
For guys & girls...Hot or cute?

by Guest45345  |  earlier

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This is probably asked a lot (sorry), but I'm curious...

Would you rather be cute or hot?


And would you rather date someone who was cute or hot?

I've heard its better to be cute...but I want some honest opinions.

*10 points to the most explained answer.





  1. honestly i think cute and hot are not  the same and one is used to mean u are more attractive

    Ex: Omg he is soooo hott

    Ex: Have you met Nick? He is so cute.

    like ur less expressive about it

  2. I'd rather be cute.  When I picture someone who's hot, I picture some half-naked girl with DD bra and bootie shorts, and is an airhead.

    Cute reminds me of an All-American girl.  You know, someone who's pretty, but still respectable.  Someone who could hold her head high and be intelligent.  I'd much rather date someone who was cute than hot.

  3. answer is hot for both questions

    1st .. actually being charismatic more than being hot is better , i think ,cause people would admire you , or maybe wouldnt be over obtrusive and pay attention the way they talk to you.. but when you are cute they would behave more relaxed so my answer is being HOt.

    2nd... i would date with a hot one cause i like them more ... i cant find another reason for this answer :/

  4. Depends on the person, because everyone has different definition and therefore use the words differently.

    But alot of the time in the males case, if a girl calls them cute, it can mean that they don't find them s**y. They think they are good looking but there is something missing to make them more than friend material.  

  5. i would rather be cute.

    hot sounds like the guy wants to get in bed with you.

    i like the sound of "you are so cute!" when a guy says it. better than "omg! you are so hot"

    cute lasts forever :]

  6. Both hot.

    Because I know a lot of cute people and all the boys in my school go "Yeah she's cute, but SHE'S HOT!". They'd rather be seen with someone with s*x appeal. I'd want the same, wouldn't you want someone who everyone else wanted?

  7. i dun rly care i guess lol

    somedays i go for the cute look and other the hot look :P

    but i heard for girls it's different... i heard they dont like being called hot or something xD (they prefer pretty)

    answer mine:;...

  8. i rather be cute and i rather date someone cute

  9. rather be hot because cute reminds me of a dog

    hot again the whole dog thing

  10. i would rather be hot because im a teenager and when someone calls you cute it reminds me of being younger=]

    and i would rather date a cute boy because the 'hot' ones usually have big egos and are more likely to be hit on by other girls, while a cute boy will treat ya ritee=]

  11. I would rather be hot and date someone who is cute.

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