
For hardcore NASCAR fans, why do you love NASCAR?

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For hardcore NASCAR fans, why do you love NASCAR?




  1. Nascar is the sport of all gives you heart stopping moments all during the race and at the end, the last lap, you are holding your breath, till your driver goes over the finish line.

    it is the sport to be involved in.

    going in circles, so what, its the chase that counts, who cares the cars don't have a steering wheel that turns right at all.

    nothing wrong with the lefties.....go NASCAr

    go #88

  2. i love nascar.

    the unity of ever weekend every one yelling there guts out for there driver, i love the rivalries and hattin on other drivers but my top reasons the  start the sound is amazing  love it, all that power on the edge of being out of control also the smell at the track mm smells so good nothing can compare

    i love this sport go jr.

  3. what's not to love? 3400 pound 850 hp monsters being wheeled by 150-200 pound athletes for 500 miles in 150+ degree heat, and doing it nearly every week for 10 months out of the year in front of 100-200,000 fans on the edge of their seats for 4 hours cheering their lungs out (and drinking their livers out ;-).

    the short tracks, the super-speedways, the cookie-cutter tracks, the flat tracks, the monster mile, the beast of the southeast, the track too tough to tame, thunder valley, the great american race, the race to the chase, and the chase itself.

    the rivalries, the competition, the teamwork, the strategies, the restarts, the long runs, the green flag pit stops, the "bumpin' and bangin'," the "rubbin' and racin'," the wrecks, the saves, the fights, the arguments, the trash talk, and the "pedal to the metal" run for the checkered flag.

    and the fans and their loyalty - to their favorite drivers and the sport as a whole.

    whew!!! i got all worked up just thinking about it.


  4. Nascar... well lets see.. While many people look at the sport as guys running around in circles, its so much more. I love Nascar because of the love/hate that all the fans have for their drivers... There is nothing better than when Gordon wins, and all the JR fans boo and get all upset with that. So I have to say that the rivalry's that happen during the season, and carry over from past seasons gives it a "soap opera" like drama. Just like Tony, and Carl, thats still going on this off season! How awesome is that!

    Next... the season last so long, with 36 races, and a few off weekends, its on the TV about 3/4 of the year, 1 time a week, and I think that is what keeps it fresh, not to mention that sunday afternoon is a great time for many people to watch the sport, keeping the popularity up.

    Next... Every track is different and requires different skills, and setups... I find the setups and how they play around with the setups very interesting. Every team is doing something different on every single pit stop, all while changing the tires, and filling it with gas!

    Next... Since every track is different the way you treat your car is always different. If you are racing at Daytona you have to keep your car as nice as possible... then if you go to Bristol you beat it up, and if you go to Martinsville you give yourself some extra padding so you can run into people!

    Finally... what is better than 43 cars with 800horsepower weighing 3400lbs racing around a track as fast as possible... You know there are going to be problems resulting in crashes, and you always hope your guy can make it through it, so you always hold your breath when you hear "Cautions out."

    I think that a lot of it has to do with passion... If you dont really have an interest in the sport, there is no way to convince someone to watch it, and enjoy it. I have been a Nascar fan since I was a freshman in high school... about 9-10 years ago... and ever year my passion gets stronger and stronger... Its something that you have to like somewhat to start with, but it really grows on you the more you watch it...

  5. i like the the rivalries, the competition and that any given week any one can win. it's not just two teams it 43 team all fighting for the same spot. hwre else can you find 43 guys do  battle every weekend.  i like the fans too cause we all have a fav drivers, that we stand behind winning or wrecking.

  6. It's fun, cool, and it rocks!

    Short and Sweet.

    And because of all my passion for this sport it led me to own my own site on NASCAR

  7. i have been watching it for 12 years and it is fun watching it  in my house cause we all have different racecar drivers and mine is dale jr mom and dads is kyle bush and my sisters is crybabygordan fan  and Paula's is jimmy Johnson and it is fun and amazing hearing people in our house saying my driver is better than yours and i watch qualifying the day before so my life on those days is all ready plained. GO JR#88

  8. Because it never says "no"

  9. its the only 1 know

    i think football basketball and all the other sports suck

    never been int o them

    been around racing and harley davidsons all my life

  10. Grew up around it here, where I live !!!Just accepted it as a way of life, since i was a kid !!

  11. First, I love almost every sport.  There is something exciting about 43 teams all using the same set of rules, over the course of 3 days work, trying to get their car to the checkered flag first.  You just get it or you dont.

  12. I'm old school on that, when fans who drove a Dodge cheered for Dodge drivers, Ford owners cheered for Ford drivers, etc. That's what made it a great all-American sport, unlike open wheel (I don't know anyone who drives a McLaren or a Lola, nothing to relate to in that series). NASCAR has dumbed it down now to where it's just a big IROC series, whoever had the brilliant idea to make Dodge, Toyota, Ford and Chevrolet all have the exact same bodystyle? I guess Henry Ford's ghost is in charge (You can have any color Model T you want as long as it's black) LOL! I miss the old days with the rivalry between manufacturers, and the drivers acted like real human beings, not like candidates running for office who have to watch their every word.

    But I'm glad Chevrolet is getting their @sses kicked this season. I'd rather Dodge or Ford were doing it, but Toyota is doing a great job. Go Rowdy!

  13. for me it's all of what #18RW and Superdave said plus it's just d**n exciting, I love everything about it!! I love the roar of the engines, the rivalry among drivers and fans, I love the emotion of the drivers after the race win or lose and so much more that I can't even begin to list it all here!!

  14. I am afraid to answer down here because Rowdy ejackulated up there...  Hard to tell if it is running down this way yet.

    I like NASCAR because it is soooo much like the WWF yet they fight with 4 wheels...  Rule change anyone?

  15. NASCAR....

    It is my way of life.

    It is my obsession.

    It is my religion.

    'nuff said...


    Just because I happen to love this little bit:

    "My heroes don't catch touchdowns,

    they don't slam dunk,

    they don't hit home runs.

    My heroes don't lay smackdowns....

    My heroes bite steel,

    they bleed octane,

    they risk their lives in every turn of every race.

    My heroes race cars..... FAST CARS!"

                      ---------- author unknown

  16. Here's a part of a post that I made in answer to another question that I think fits well here:

    It's the smell of fuel & burning rubber. The thundering sound of the cars as they barrel into turn 1 at over 180mph. It's the bumping, rubbing, & slaming into one another as they race around a track at nearly 200mph to move up just 1 more position. It's the making or missing a chance for a championship run by as little as 3 points. It's the leading 199 of 200 laps only to loose on lap 200 & end up finishing 2nd. It's leading for 120 laps & blowing an engine while leading & finishing 43rd. It the leading 1 lap of a 300 lap race, but it was the last lap so they won the race.

    It's all of those things and more. And I love that NASCAR fans are the most loyal fans of ANY sport. We are more passionate about our sport & driver than fans of any other sport.

  17. If I have to explain, you wouldn't understand.

  18. becuase if you force your freind to watch it for an hour you will probly punch him in his face when he picks the winer (dale jr when th fing 10 car wrecked leting dale get the race instead of khane) and then yelling at him every race cause he fell in love with it

  19. I'm agreeing with #18, too. My heart started pumping just reading that!!

  20. What's not to luv about it.....The noise, the fans, the rivalries, the anticipation of the start. It's hard to describe unless you've been there. When those cars go by you it's a sound that's indescribable. The ground rumbles under your feet, the smell of the fuel, the rubber. There is so much going on it's amazing how they put it all together. Watchin the pit crews, listening to the spotters and the drivers. It's an adrenalin rush like nothing you've ever had. All the varieties of the different tracks, short tracks, super speedways. All of the above and more.  Ain't nothin like it!

  21. I love everything about it down to the last drop. You name it(racing wise) I love it! A whole lot of what #18's #1 said in his answer. Great answer BTW!

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