
For heroin addicts:what would make u put that needle in your arm the first time?

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For heroin addicts:what would make u put that needle in your arm the first time?




  1. I'd honestly like to try heroin, but you can smoke or snort it, so injecting is more likely to be used further on in 'liking the taste.' I haven't tried the drug, but i can't think of anything more pleasurable and exhilarating to be honest. Of course i'd be p***y and get someone else to smack me up for my first hit.

  2. My friend said it was a movie(requiem for a dream) that made him wanna shoot up.

    but truly its just wanting to get higher&faster. and since we all know its shooting up. thats what you think thus thats why you do it the first time. You sit there thinkin d**n i know i could get higher an faster if i just shoot it up..  

  3. I actually didn't put it in my arm the first time.

    Now i know why everyone was staring.

  4. dunno peer pressure?

  5. Most people start out snorting it because they need a release, something to take their minds off the day-to-day **** they have to deal with.

    The feeling they get from it is sooo nice they keep doing it again and again until they are addicted.

    It gets to the point where they can't afford to support their habit (because of tolerance) but they sure as h**l can't quit (because of withdrawals).

    They realize it would be cheaper and much more cost-effective to shoot it up (it takes A LOT less to get high when you inject). They get a rush from shooting it up unlike never before and now they can't go back to snorting because the 'high' just seems too weak.

  6. the movie - trainspotting - is what got many of my dumb friends to try it .. one died finally

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