
For home made pizza is there any thing healthy i can use as doe i would normally think of?

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  1. use wheat flour instead of white and put less toppings

  2. You could try making your own dough with wholemeal flour, water, olive oil and a pinch of salt. At least you know what is in it.

  3. I usually make Pita Pizza. I get a rather thin pita, use a spray of olive oil and fry it on a pan griddle a few seconds, to get the start of a golden crisp. Then I paint the bread inside thinly with tomato sauce (less calories, the sauce soaks into the pita, yum!... lots of oregano and powdered garlic/onion, and my vegetables/meat.... put it back on the griddle until the vegetables have wilted... then add cheese  and press down a bit to melt it. You don't need a lot to get a great flavor if you use a sharp cheese. Promise you, its the best healthy alternative, and easy to eat, to homemade pizza. If you really want to go all out... use an oil infused with garlic and hot peppers. It soaks in the bread and YUM. Much better for you than regular pizza.

  4. If you want a lighter version pizza where you don't need to make the crust from scratch, try a wheat pita or a whole grain tortilla shell.  Both are healthy and lower in fat and calories than regular pizza dough. I've even used wheat sliced bread for quick pizza for the kids and they love it!

  5. try a whole wheat english muffin for a quick easy treat.

    i've also heard about people using polenta - but i don't know how healthy it is.

  6. we use burrito shells and I toast them before I put any sauce or topping on it.  This is a great way to make pizza for everyone with just the topping they like.

  7. If you have a Trader Joe's in your area, they offer a raw dough that is already prepared and it's whole wheat. It is very high quality and tastes great. It's in the deli area near the cheeses, and it's in a clear plastic bag. I believe it keeps for a couple of weeks in the refrigerator. The directions tell you to let the dough sit for 30 minutes before you try to roll it out. Don't skip that step, or it will be nearly impossible to roll.  

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