
For hot glove after do you put it in the oven? will it wreck it? i havea nokona glove

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For hot glove after do you put it in the oven? will it wreck it? i havea nokona glove




  1. Why are you baking your glove?

  2. Nokona gloves are usually pretty soft to begin with.  But if you want a quick way to break it in, then put some glove oil on it with a baseball or softball in it and strap a rubberband around the outside.  Keep the oven on its lowest setting, and just keep a close eye on it.  Pull the glove out when it gets warm, definately not hot!!!  

  3. Why do you put your glove in the oven?

  4. why use a glove at all?

  5. dont put your glove in an oven. Brake it in the normal way by using it.

  6. If you follow the instructions closely, it will not do any noticeable damage, but I don't like the way it works.

    I tried it because I had a problem breaking in my son's glove the traditional way.  No matter how hard you try, an eight year old simply can not throw hard enough to break in a glove the right way.

    I oiled it up well and took it to the batting cages.  After about 5 bucks in the "very fast" cage, the glove was broken in.  (my hand wasn't doing so well, however ;-)

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