
For how long is it humanly possible to breathe underwater?

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With proper training and breathing exercises?

If anyone knows any breathing exercises for me to try that would be greatly appreciated.




  1. I do believe it's 4 minutes....may be 6.

    Repeated underwater stays and the proper looooooooong way of slowly releasing the air in the lungs would be a good way to start.

    Professional scuba divers know many more answers to this.

    I used to be licensed with NAUI....but, no more.

    Don't practice this ALONE! Always have a buddy whose head is out of the water...watching you...RULE 1...!!!!!

  2. breathing under water? at a depth of around 2 meters around 50 minutes with full scuba gear on

  3. it's NOT humanly possible to breath underwater

  4. I know you meant "hold breath underwater" cause we can't quite breathe underwater yet. haha. seriously, you may want to look into something called Free Diving. The people that compete in this have many special exercises to to this, including a way of hyper-ventilating that lowers the CO2 in the blood-stream. Google it and you should find some cool stuff. Spear-divers, Pearl-divers and their ilk have been doing this for hundreds of years BTW. In the Bunch of c**p department, David Blaine claims that he held his breath for 7 days underwater, in order to set a world record. This, of course, is a bunch of c**p. Good luck, and remember, this is extremely dangerous for an untrained person so if you're serious, find a reputable trainer.

  5. Some Dutch or German guy held his breath, submerged for 15 minutes on Chinese TV earlier this year to set a world record.

    He used a variety of techniques including a form of meditation whilst submerged as well as hyperventilating beforehand etc.

    However to 'breathe' underwater, not possible.

  6. Uh.  You can't breathe underwater, you'll drown if you try.

  7. I used to be able to swim about 70 yards (about 1 minute 16 seconds) without taking a breath. It's all about teaching yourself to take as deep of a breath in as you can and then releasing it VERY slowly.

    Good luck!

    In a relaxed state (not swimming) I think I've heard of over 3 minutes...but that takes a lot of training, meditation, etc.

  8. There is no set amount that you should be shooting for because if you do it could be one second to long and therefore you would pass out under water. Just get a watch and time yourself as to what you can do and just keep doing it and doing it and doing it and then you will get to where you need or want to be. But yes look into some serious training for this. It is hard but it is really fun to get your goal

  9. It is not possible for mammals of any kind to breathe under water. Even whales and dolphins must hold their breath, although they can do it for much longer than humans can.  You can be trained to hold your breath under water.  I believe the longest for a human is around 7 minutes, but once you get water in your lungs you drown within a very short time.

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