
For how long is the downtrend in the U.S financial markets going to continue ?

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Any Idea about the period of time.What will be the indication if any that the slide has come to an end.




  1. Most recent reports I have read indicate this will last until at least early next year.

  2. Don't look for things to really turn around until sometime towards the middle of next year.  Tax rebate checks were a short term help but won't turn this economy around.   However, stocks are so cheap now this is a good time to get in and ride it out.  Eventually you'll be looking at a nice return.  Buy low sell high.....

  3. Hard to say. The US stock market is today fighting some serious headwinds - falling house prices, rising oil prices, a declining US dollar, rising inflation, and an uncertain political environment.

    It seems to me that if house prices stabilize and the price of oil quits going up, the stock market may begin to improve.

  4. "It seems to me that if house prices stabilize and the price of oil quits going up, the stock market may begin to improve."

    if house prices stabilize, then the fed will increase interest rates to fight inflation and oil will go down.  the stock market will not improve because low interest rates are keeping stocks bubbly and finance charges will eat into earnings.

  5. No one knows, just like no one knew about 9-11. There are market indicators but they have often turned out to be wrong. But people make a lot of money (often YOUR money) guessing.

    The best thing you can do is take a hard, honest look at your risk tolerance and set up an asset allocation that reflects your need/ability to take risks. A market downturn is a good time to review your risk tolerance and asset allocation.

    This site has links to risk tolerance quizzes and teaches you how to do an asset allocation.

    Invest...don't gamble.

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