
For how many years does a traffic violation remain on public records?

by  |  earlier

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I just looked one up from a few years ago, and it's embarassing to have displayed online, especially it was for something that was so wrong and unfair but I just didn't have time to go to court to fight it. When will it delete?




  1. This has to be the dumbest question. If it weren't for the two points, I wouldn't have bothered clicking on it.

  2. You can hire an attorney to go to the DA's office and have them expunged from your record. I have no ideal what this will cost, but I understand how you feel. I would want them gone as well. Good Luck to you !  Ps, I like your nick name " CUPCAKE "

  3. It is always there.

  4. 18 months as long as no other charges of a suspension/revoke apply to it's expiration date. You can have traffic records sealed from the public.

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