
For like 5 days I been having pain down the right side of my back from my ribs to my waist?

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it's kinda travels from top to bottom. it feels like the iciest coldest water you could imagine trickling underneath my skin, it's very bothersome, ever experienced anything like this? know what it could be? It started when my period started. it throbs a lil sometime. its a nagging pain, not exactly dull and not exactly sharp




  1. I get random what I call "skin pains" right before and during my time of the month. It usually subsides by the time my monthly visitor has left.

    However, there is a possibility you may be developing Shingles. If you start seeing any dots or start feeling flu-ish, you may be getting Shingles. In that case call your doctor so that he/she can immediately put you on antivirals.

    I had Shingles not too long ago, and I thought it was just my "time of the month" - I was wrong, lol. My pain was also down one side of my body, my left side from my neck down to my waist. I started getting spots right around my side/hip area.

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