
For live performances, which do you feel is more important, and why?

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A) Kicking off the setlist with a song that electrifies the crowd,


B) Closing the set strong, leaving the crowd in a fever pitch.




  1. A little bit of both.

    It really depends on the song. I'll take Iron Maiden - Rock In Rio live for instance. They started the show with The Wicker Man, which is a lively and a great ice breaker song; and ended it with Run To The Hills, which is really kick*ss, (though it can be used as the first song too).

    It's great to have "crowd-electrifying" in the middle, then followed by a couple of "just-okay" songs, then followed by a kick*ss song again, SOSF, so the crowd won't get worn off and tired easily.

  2. B) At the start of Any show, the crowd is already psyched to see their heroes. By the end, some may be a bit worn down, so what better way than to end w/ a big bang? :)  

  3. definitely b...while i find it annoying that so many bands open their show with an unreleased or unknown song, it's much better to close the set with your most popular hit rather than to open with it when your fans are already frenzied up

  4. I would be disappointed if i went to see a band and they didn't do both!

  5. Save the best for last. Much better to go out with guns blazing and people freaking. I love it when a band ends a show like that and then I am just dumb founded and awe struck at the end.

  6. I'm going to go with A, under the proviso that the song should also be surprising.  If it's just one of your hits, then so what.  But if you reach deep for a great song that your best fans will know and love, but not expect ... then you know that a great show is on the way.

    I remember going to see Pink Floyd in 1987 (Momentary Lapse of Reason tour) and having them open up with Echoes.  What a great, unexpected way to kick it off - and a declaration that this wasn't just going to be a typical "weave the hits around the new stuff" show.

  7. i say B

    encores are what leave the lasting impression, i can remember some encores song for song from 4 or 5 years ago but as me what the band opened with and i couldn't even take a guess...heck i've been to a few concerts that were totally ruined just because the encore was horrible

  8. Both are equally important

  9. C) smashing up their instruments at the end

    or D) swearing a lot, showing up 3 hours late, and leaving an hour early

  10. B! i love leaving concerts with that "adrenaline" rush...feeling like seeing that show was the best decision i ever made. lol I agree with the first answer.. everyone is already super excited to see the band anyway  

  11. b

  12. different people like different types of music. i personally like the rock/ alternative music. in my opinion bands that come and play live are here to entertain and wow the crowd. i agree that yes when the band comes on you are already fired up form the anticipation of them playing. but i also believe that the band needs to get the crowd started and in the beginning should play one of the songs that is well know and can get the crowd jumping, but i also believe that they should end with a bang. anybody who is willing to pay any kind of money to see a band perform is going to be excited when they come on and they are not going to loose the excitement throughout the concert because they realize this may be the only time for the next year (or longer) that they are going to get to see this band perform. so basically i guess what i am trying to say is that it should be both. a good band will never compromise making their fans happy and giving them the show to remember.

  13. Impossible question!

    A. I tend to remember and glom onto the first songs more.... but really, if they play my favorite song in the middle of the show then that's good, too. And who doesn't want to leave the show humming the last few songs???

  14. A, easily.

    You want your audience to be in a good mood throughout the gig, not just at the end

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