
For marathon runners? Did the competition help you or hinder you the first time you competed?

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For marathon runners? Did the competition help you or hinder you the first time you competed?




  1. Well, there's a saying, "Run your own race."  You aren't supposed to worry about others around you and you do what you train to do, not what the others trained for.

    Saying that, I liked having the crowd around me.  All the people together, doing one incredibly difficult thing was a huge boost for motivation.

    Unless you're in the very front, it's not a competition.  For us who run four hour marathons, everyone is working together, encouraging each other, motivating each other.  It's a big team effort to get everyone across the line.  You say hello to people who are about your pace and you might even talk to them.  It wasn't 'competition,' it was friendship.

  2. In a lot of races I'd say competition helps, but in a marathon most people regret going too fast because they didn't focus on their own pace.  I'm guilty of the same thing in the past.

  3. I was advised from many seasoned runners that I should not worry about my time or have a goal time.  Just to enjoy it.  I did just that and I am really pleased that I did.  This left a positive feeling running my first marathon.  Now I run to see if I can beat my personal best.  That would be my advice to you if this is your first.  Finish upright and smiling.  There will be more marathons to run.  So I guess you could say my first marathon helped me...

  4. It has always helped me, I know what was reasonable pace with training, but I've always been willing to push harder while racing......just make sure ya have something left those last 6 miles!!

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