
For married people. Do you have friends of the opposite s*x?

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Are they also friends with your spouse or not? Why or why not?




  1. Yes I have friends of the opposite s*x. Sometimes we all do things together.

  2. Yes, we both have friends of the opposite s*x.  He knows some of mine, some not.  I know some of his some not.

    Why what?  Why do I not freak out that he is friends with a woman I dont know?  Because he is my husband, I love him, I trust him, and I actually have a lil bit of self esteem and self confidence.  I have never found him to be lieing about anything to do with where he is or who he is with.  Being married doesnt remove your right to talk to other people.  

  3. yes i have a male friend and yeah he is also a friend to my husband! My husband & I have known this guy for at least 15 years ! On the other hand my H tried to tell me that this "woman" who started showing up and hanging around alot was a friend of his for " a long time" but he & I been together almost 30 years and I had NEVER seen her or met her EVER!!! Something fishy there don't you think? Turned out my gut instincts were Right ON!

  4. Yes, but hubby doesn't know....Oh, but I'm a good girl no cheating or anything like that is involved though.

  5. No...but if they looked like you I would because then I would not be tempted to have an affair !!

  6. of all means you must have friends of both sexes.

  7. My best friend in the whole world is a man and yes, I am married, Have been for 23 years and have four kids.I met this guy when i was 9 years old. His Aunt was my friend when we were kids. They were close in age,she had a sister who was old enough to be her mom cuz their mom had remarried and my friend had a different dad.Anyways,we were neighbors and when her nephew came over we would all play together. As the years went by we went through a phase where we liked each other at about 15 and 16. It didn't work out but we remained the best of friends.As my friendship with his aunt fizzled out we still hung out every weekend,cried on each others shoulders when our hearts were broken by other people and even when he got engaged he would still sneak over my house and we would go out and have some drinks and shoot the c**p.He married that girl and i stood up in their wedding. Honestly, I felt like i lost my best friend. We never slept together. Even when he was married he would sneak over my house and we would have a few drinks. His Marriage was falling apart and he had a son by then. I warned him this Marriage would never work out because i knew him that well,she was not the right person for him.Well i was there for him through his whole divorce. I started going out with my husband but he knew my friend from seeing him in the bar when we would go in there through the years. I told my Husband he had nothing to worry about,We were friends and I would never give him up as a friend. My Husband would get a little jealous here and there but i Didn't care. Well my guy friend started dating my one girlfriend who i also knew since 7th grade. Her marriage didn't work out and she had a daughter. They got serious and ended up getting Married and i stood up in his second wedding. But it was to my girlfriend. My husband and my girlfriend both know that their spouses (me and Joe)are best friends and always will be. We all do things together and i get to be with my Husband and my best friends in the world. Joe and I bring stuff up from 40 years ago that is personal jokes between us and our spouses know already, there they go! and they will get in their own conversations. I hope till the day i die my friend will be there cuz i will be there for him ( I Love Him) as a friend. There is nothing our spouses can do about it cuz no matter who we end up with in life (not that i plan on leaving my husband, I'm in Love with him). Nobody will keep us apart. But my husband and him Fish together, Hunt together and shoot the c**p all the time. It is kinda rare though that you can have 4 people that ubderstand without jealousy. That was one trait i looked for in my husband. If he were a jealous man, I never would have married him.My kids call them Aunt and Uncle. He is Godparent to one of my kids and I am Godmother to her daughter.Weird or no?

  8. Yes I actually have more male friends than female. They all visit our house and bring their wives and kids. My husband gets along with them as well as I do.

  9. yes, we all work together and hang out. we're mostly all married couples  

  10. Yes, always have and always will. some are g*y, some are not..I have been married for 14 years some are friends with my husband and some he barely knows.

  11. Not really. I'm fine with having my husband as my "guy" friend lol.  

  12. My husband and I both have friends of the opposite s*x separately, but not anyone that we would spend "alone" time with.  We both work at different places now but I used to work at the same place he does so I still have male friends from his workplace, but wouldn't spend time with them without my husband just because I know that it might make my husband uncomfortable.

  13. Yes, friends. Not emotional friends that I bonded with though. None like that because my wife is my best friend and I don't need that from another woman. But I hide nothing from her, and she hides nothing from me. We both have friends of the opposite s*x, but it's all casual, you know what I mean?

  14. You must have rules for it.Never be alone with them,don't let them go far in their friendship.It 's not easy.your husband must know them all

  15. I have male friends through my work and university. My hubby has female friends. We don't tend to do things together but i know when he sees them and he knows when i see mine. Im having lunch with a male friend next week and its on the calender on the fridge. Hubby's a builder so he does things for my male pals and his female pals. We trust each other and we share different interests and tastes (in movies etc) so i may go to the theatre with a one of my male friends. No biggy for us. However if i got the feeling that a new female friend had "bad" intentions then i may need to say something but so far no problems (we've been together 15 years).  

  16. Yes, I have some male friends but I don't go any place with them. I have male friends at work that I play internet games with (my husband does as well) I have one male friend that I have know for 12 years on the internet and only met one time and my husband knows about him (talks to him on line as well)

    Does my husband's friends count? I consider my husband's best friends one of my best friends.

    I guess the answer is not so much in what others have/don't have but what you and your husband will accept in your marriage. If you are ok with him or you having friends, then it is ok, BUT if one of you is NOT comfortable, you need to work something out....maybe do things together...

    One thing, I would never recommend hiding or deceiving as even if the relationship is platonic, this breeds mistrust.

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