
For men to read only, no girls allowed!?

by  |  earlier

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So im just a regular guy, ive had a couple girlfriends, and i always noticed that they did not take kindly to my uncircumcised p***s. I am single right now and i am planning to get circumcised because im not using my p***s and i want to be a p**n star one day, how long does it take to heal, how long does it take for me to walk around or work, this is a serious question except me being a pornstar, i have not decided yet....oh and wheres a good place to get it done




  1. Two choices: Look out for a rabbi he may be already salivating  having found another dummy. Or go to Pakistan, they do it for free there, but watch, they may cut it to the base since you are an infidel.

  2. A urologist can help you out:any hospital has one.Make an appointment.

    Had it done at age 23.After 3 weeks it is fully functional:cause the stitches need to heal really well.You can walk around the next day and return to work in a few days.


  3. man thats wrong, shouldve got it done when u were a baby

  4. That's a very stupid reason to get circumcised (in fact, I can't think of any good reasons other than medical ones, but your one seems particularly silly), but it's your choice. Go and see a doctor.


  5. are sure they're not put off by your lack of maturity? what kind of person puts "no girls allowed" in there question

    i recommend getting it done in a hospital, it will be very easy to find a doctor willing to do it if you're in America, since in the USA all the doctors are looking for more money, so they perform unnecessary surgeries like circumcision. that's why America's rates of non-religious circumcision are so high.

    ps --  your chances of getting into p**n are almost 0. AND if you're looking for a girlfriend, there are NO girls out there who would want to date a p**n star.

  6. based on my experience, when i was circumcised, after 24 hrs i was able to take a bath and after a week i can run,, my aunnt is the one who circumcised me cause she's a doctor.. if u want ur circumcision to be secret, u can done it at home but make sure u have expert to do it for u.. like mine.. its very comfortable if do it @ home cause u dont need to suffer the pain... dont worry its not that painful..

    by the way, i was only 9 when my aunt circumcised me and im 14 now... hehehehe.. just want to share it..

  7. Was it your f******n or your size they didn't like? What experience did they have before you came along so they know the difference? Incidentally, my understanding is that foreskins make for more and better-paying porno gigs.  

  8. Well first of all I can tell you that I am not cut and I have found it to be exactly the opposite.  Girls are waiting in line for an un-cut guy around here.  Many unhappy with their cut boyfriends.  Its not just a snip off the old top kiddo.  Its a full 75 to 80% of the entire p***s that is gone.  

    Math alone will dictate that removing 80 percent of a p***s would in no way make it better or bigger looking. Anyone thinking it will cure anthing is ver mistaken.  As for the p**n gig..  Again, just the opposite is true.  Consider yourself very luck.  You are a rare find sure but each year millions more join your ranks as less and less people opt to have this done to their children.

    It would pay to research this more.

    Hope this works for you..  One guy done as an adult stated "It was the biggest mistake of my life. "

    You must be young and kids don't know what they like. Later as an adult you will be looked up to as being very lucky...  The U.S. is dysfunctional....  You are not...

  9. Heh, sorry broke the rule for no girls. Either way, at this point in time I wouldn't recommend getting circumcised. Although it is common to be circumcised as a baby, it does have a ton of health risks.

    Infection, as well as damaging nerves in the p***s can come as a result of that surgery. Meaning, s*x won't feel as good, and you'll be more prone to infections. Aside from the pain of having parts of your p***s cut off, the f******n acts as protection for your p***s.

    Not only that, the f******n helps stimulate the G-spot in a female, so I see no reason why they didn't take the idea of a uncircumcised p***s well.

    There is an article here with the sexual benefits of f******n:

    as well.. A website with tons of information on it..

    Honestly, to get circumcised is really up to you weighing out the pros and cons.___

  10. If you like girls you should have it done.  See your doctor.  He'll want to do it in a hosptial.  Do it on a Friday so you hav the weekend to recover.

  11. its going to hurt for like 3 days u should of got it when you were a baby

  12. I think you should listen to girls on this one. Let me tell you that most that I know of find circumcised willies offensive, they look like evil naked snakes. However it might depend on which country you live in, maybe American girls are different from European ones.

  13. Any surgeon will do it.

    probably take a few eeks before you can have s*x but probably a week of soreness.

    And i heard it hurts girls when having s*x with it uncircumcised, thats probably why.

  14. You're foolish to even consider circumcision for the reasons you've given.

    John Holmes was a legend among p**n stars and he was not circumcised.

  15. any surgeon will do it.

  16. When I got circumcised, I couldn't walk for a year.

  17. Because circumcision is so common in the US a lot of American girls tend to get weirded out by the uncut since they're not used to seeing it. I've never understood this considering they both look the same when the f******n is pulled back. Personally I'd say if a woman is willing to take offense at it they're not deserving of your time.

    Also on a side note: if you want work as a p**n star it shouldn't make a difference so long as you meet the major job requirements.

  18. go see your local butchers fool

  19. Do you wash daily under your f******n?  Most girls don't care whether you're circumcised or not, but if you're not keeping clean it can be a turnoff.  Just some water once a day is sufficient.

    I urge you to reconsider this step.  Your f******n is a normal and essential part of your sexual equipment, and you can't get it back if you have it cut off.  You will lose all the special nerve endings in the skin, about 14 square inches, and the head of your p***s (glans) will dry out and become less sensitive.

    If you still decide to go through with it, any doctor can refer you to a urologist who does the procedure.

  20. It's usually done in the Hospital, and it depends on how long it will heal.  

  21. It will take one week for t*t to totally heal. You will be able to walk around in about two days. No work can be done for a week. Any medical Dr. can perform it or he will refer you to a qualified surgeon.

  22. no girls allowed???

    what is this the little rascals???

  23. If your girl friends are judging you by the appearance of your p***s, you need to find other girl friends who will appreciate your natural body, that you have no reason to be ashamed of.

    An uncircumcised p***s (if kept clean) can make having s*x a more pleasurable experience for a guy, since it has more sensitive nerve endings that a circumcised one.

    Next time a girl mentions she does like your uncircumcised p***s, ask her to explain just what it is that she finds objectionable.  Then ask her how she would feel if you objected that her genitals have not been mutilated.

    You should only get a circumcision if it is medically necessary -- that is, if you have a tight f******n that is painful when retracted.

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