
For moms only! Preferably if you experienced periods during pregnancy?

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im 25 i already have 2 daughters so i know what its like to be pregnant. First of all my periods are usually irregular...ill go like 3 months in a row with it coming on the same date then ill skip a month and get it the following month....ive always been irregular. But my question is, i got my period august 11th. it seemed normal i guess. And last night i started feeling what i can only compare to as morning sickness. i only got morning sickness at night with my other two daughters. I almost feel flu-ish. WIthout the fever and stuff. Just blah. no vomiting or anything, i never did with my first two daughters either. My mom is know saying she thinks im pregnant, that she got her period for the first 3 months she was pregnant with me. Has anyone ever experienced this?




  1. yes i had bleeding for about 3 weeks! Even heavy at times. The doc said it was just implantation bleeding. Take a test to ease your mind. Good Luck!

  2. I experienced that. I figured i was only maybe 2 months pregnant and when i went i found out that i was 6 months pregnant meaning i had a period for the first 3 or 4  months with no other signs of being pregnant!! Meaning no big belly or anything! So yeah it could happen!

  3. no one gets a period whilst pregnant. its just not possible. a period is from an UNFERTILIZED egg, a sloughing off lining of the uterus. if your egg is fertilized (pregnant) than your uterus and its liner stays intact. and doesnt slough. any bleeding during pregnancy, is spotting, even if its occuring around the same time every month.  

  4. i had light bleeding throughout the whole 9 months bu my son is now a healthy 2 year old. bleeding is normal for some women and causes normally are implantation bleeding or placenta detaching from the womb wall. to me it sounds like you are possibly pregnant. take a test to find out babes! hope it's the news you hope for. good luck xox

  5. I had implantation bleeding in 3 of my 5 pregnancies.  If you are bleeding heavily, ask your OB/GYN.  If it is light flow, I would take it to be implantation bleeding... or ... you could just not be pregnant.  The handy-dandy EPT will do the trick in a week or two.  If you can't wait that long, ask your Dr. for a blood test on hCg.  The levels don't lie.

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