I am 8 wks pregnant with my third child. With my first pregnancy, I was only 27 but gained 50 lbs due to PIH. I lost all but about 12 lbs. Then last yr when I was 32, I had a second child and gained 34 lbs. I lost all but 10 which left me 20lbs over my pre kids weight. It isn't vanity, I just out and out do not feel good being heavier than normal I feel tired and slovenly. With both of my pregnancies, I ate decently, did not get carried away with eating and worked a pretty active job as a nurse. My worry is that due to my age and the fact that I am a SAHM now, I will gain even more weight with this pregnancy and not be able to get it off as in the past.Did any other moms out there gain less weight with subsequent pregnancies and how did you keep it in moderation ?