
For most auxiliary police depts, can you take your weapons home???

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Or do they make you leave them at the station, I know stupid question but just curious..Thanks




  1. Yes reserves (auxiliary) in my city take their weapons home and I believe it is the same for most other departments. Reserves have the same powers/privileges as us full time officers.

  2. Most departments allow reserve officers to take their weapons home.

    CAlif Deputy

  3. Mostly yes, you will be allowed to take your weapon home.  it's in the best interest of the department if you clean, and practice with your weapon on your off time.

  4. If you are reserve Police Officer, you are allowed to take your weapon home. At least in the city where I worked.

  5. well, two of my cousins are correctional officers in PA and they are allowed to bring their weapons home... so I assume any cop would be allowed to as well.

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