1) When did you place your child?
2) Did you go through an agency or was the adoption private?
3) If you went through an agency what is the name of the agency?
4) Were you offered support after placing your child?
5) What kind of support after placement did you get or are you getting? Family/friends/professional/etc.
6) If you were offered support through the agency was it helpful? Are you looking for other types of support, such as online groups, or groups in your community, or other professional support?
Add any details you want. I'm just curious because I see a number of younger mothers here that are searching for support which leads me to believe that they are either not getting counseling, or that the counseling is not meeting their needs. I doubt agency counseling would amount to anything more than brainwashing anyway, but I'm curious if "adoption is different today" as so many people claim.