
For mums who have had more then one pregnancy

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Do you feel like you have known more with each pregnancy or have you been confused by the ever changing info and do's and don't's?

I had this conversation with some of my 'mummy' friends today and was wondering what you other mums thought




  1. I have 4 children, each pregnancy was a little different.  After the first one nothing really surprised me.  

  2. I can look back at each pregnancy and see and remember that I knew more and was more educated. Like my first pregnancy I didn't know anything. I just went happily along with it, had my pitocin, and epidural. Thankfully I had the worlds easiest pregnancy.

    With my second knew a little more and how I wanted things to ge and with my third I was a tune to every kick and discharge (ew) and all that. This last time (third) I actually started recognizing the symptoms of pregnancy and then of labor. It's a little scary though, knowing the things that you do. With my first my ignorance was a little better because I never stressed out about my body or the workings of it. I just went along for the ride.

  3. I'm currently in my third pregnancy and have learned more than in the first two combined.  There's always changing do's and don'ts.  One thing is fine one time and the next time it's completely the wrong thing to do.  I've even learned things i've just never heard of all together.  I don't think anybody really knows what's going on in there and what's good and not good.  I just tell people to go with your instincts.  As long as your tummy is growing and you feel movement, there's not much else that can be controlled.  If something's gonna happen it's gonna happen, we're just lucky to be living in a world where there is a lot of knowledge and research as well as technology to help if something does go wrong.  Best of luck

  4. i feel like i know more with each one. when i had my daughter i belived every myth and i did not know what to except. but with this one i'm like bring it on. i am not afraid to left my hands over my head or pick up my daughter all the things i was afraid of at first. i know that i dont have to eat every 2 to3 hours like i did with my daughter afraid to starve her. i feel good about this pregancy cause i know what to except which also seems to make the pregnacy go by faster

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