
For muslim women who wear hijab .. help ?

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im in an international school n i think im the only muslim girl who wears a hijab

so probably next season , we're gonna have swimming ..

so please give me some advices of how i can cover my head ?

bcoz ive bought the swimming cap which can fully cover my hair if i tie it up and all

so , is that enuf ?

or is there any muslim women swimmers out there ?




  1. Please if you have to mix with males avoid it.

    Answering the question you posed, Sheikh Faisal Mawlawi, Deputy Chairman of the European Council for Fatwa and Research, states:

    "Giving the fact that such swimming pool involves opposite sexes, and with the fact no one can conceive that there exists swimming suits for women that do not stick to their bodies when they get wet and cover all their bodies save the face and hands, then the original rule that women are not permitted to swim in public swimming pools is still in effect.

    Muslim women in Western countries should demand separate swimming pools for women. They have succeeded in this in some German cities where separate swimming pools have been designed for women at specific times.

    Therefore, in all Western countries, Muslim women should ask for this. If this demand was not achieved, a Muslim woman is not allowed to swim in public and mixed swimming pools."

    Now, it becomes crystal clear that a Muslim woman isn’t allowed to swim in public and mixed swimming pools, while she can swim in a women-only swimming pool where men are not allowed.

    Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and an Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, adds:

    “So long as you’re swimming with women and wearing clothes that cover your `Awrah properly, you’re allowed to do so.

    It goes without saying that Islam does not allow men and women swimming together, hence the issue of public swimming pool for both men and women is totally rejected in Islam."


    try that

  3. ur hijab is blessing  from god AllaH want to protect us wear ur hijab and at the end u will find better than what we have in our life  

  4. No a swimming cap is not sufficient and I think you are a bright girl who probably knows that it really isn't sufficient.  The swimming co-ed is not permissible and your parents need to contact the school about the situation.  There is always students that need to be released from certain activities for religious, moral, ethical reasons.  Swimming is certainly not something that is necessary in school and getting excused from it should not be a big problem.

  5. I'm not a swimmer myself but I  know that there is a range of "halaal swimwear" available here in South Africa, you can probably google it.

    This is made up of a long sleeved spandex top which goes down to the thighs (not tight fitting) and a spandex pants. The swimming cap will cover your hair.

    We had a girl in hijab on our high school swim team who wore scarf tied like a bandanna when swimming, and a t-shirt and tights when swimming.

  6. You're gonna have to tell them you can't do it and that you will make it up by doing some other sport like independent arobics...

  7. I had the same situation like you when I was in high school;

    first you shall use a swimming suit for "Mohajabat" which covers the whole body and also not tight at all so it doesn't show your body curves. Try to pick it up from a material similar to which original swimming suits are produced from so it repels water fast enough after you get out of the water for same previous reason. Make sure the suite itself is with medium/high collar to cover your neck as well. For hair coverage you can use the ordinary head cover used by professional swimmer and ensure all of your hair is contained inside it.

    During your swimming practice, ensure that neither your trainer nor you male colleagues get physically in touch with you. Explain this to your trainer and he will properly understand. He has to respect your personal beliefs/customs

    I don't know where do you live, but I know some Egyptian shops which sell this product if you want to know them you may contact me through yahoo answers

  8. Why don't you swim on your regular Hijab I don't see a Problem

  9. If only females are there at that time, no problem. But cant mix with males in swimming.

  10. Sorry sweetie mixing with males is wrong, but the choice is yours a cap would suffice in covering your hair but what about your body, hijab is just not about covering your hair.

  11. It's been a long time since I've swim. But I used to wear tight t-shirt instead of swimming suit, and a cap of course. But it still doesn't cover the aurah much. That's why I don't swim anymore nowadays. Is it compulsory to swim? If it's only among Muslim women, you don't have to worry though.

    Edit: Well, if it's compulsory it's not like you can do anything about it. Just wear a cap and try to wear something that most cover your body. Islam is not a religion that burdens you. You don't have other alternatives, so it should be ok. It's not exactly your choice to reveal your aurah or anything.

  12. the purpose of the hijab is to protect you from being attacked by some male that can't controll himself. so ask if they are going to protect you. if so, you don't need the hijab.

  13. Mashallah

    Yea that cap is enough.

    May Allah bless you ameen.

  14. Sister it's haraam to swim with boys.  Most bathing suits, even Islamic ones show off your body.  Those "burkinis" show your figure off when you swim and stick to your body when you get out of the water, making you a "s*x object" for non mahram men(Not saying you are, that's just what they do).  Is there any way you can get your father to write a note to your swimming teacher or the dean/principal of your school and tell him/her that because of your religion, you are prohibited from getting naked in front of strange men and Kaafur women, and not allowed to swim with men?  Is there any way you could perhaps take another course that has the same credits as a swimming class during this class?

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