
For my 21st I'm thinking of having a Lost themed party... Geeky?

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I'm thinking of having a lost themed party for my 21st at my house at uni because me and my flatmates and boyfriend love it. As well as a few of his friends. However, my coursemates don't watch it.

I am really excited about it but worried it might be viewed too geeky for my other friends and stop people from coming.

I thought of having Dharma logos, palm trees, polar bears etc.

Would it be a good idea to maybe use the term "castaway" incorporated into the theme title so what non-Lost watchers wouldn't feel left out?

Would you go to a Lost theme party or think they were losers? Hmmmm.





  1. i love this idea its awsumm if somebody i new had a lost party i would definetly go!

    just b'cuz some people don't like it they would still come and if they think ur a geek and have known u for a while then there just not very good friends if they think that and just don't come.

    or if u really want to ask them if they like castaway or lost better.

    or u could just make into both a bit of lost a bit of castaway.

    hope this helps.

    happy birthday


  2. What a fantastic idea! I love it, your friends will come to celebrate your birthday no matter what the theme is and it is a party after all! I'm pretty sure most people know what lost is so you may not need to put castaway on the invite.

    I love the ideas of dharma logos, palm trees and polar bears.

    ~You could get this black web like material which is sold around Halloween time as spiders web but you could stretch it out and call it the black smoke.

    ~For favors you could get everyone a lotto ticket with Hurley's numbers which are 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.

    ~Maybe you could make your own pod casts or videos like your in the Dharma initiative, use them as clues for a scavenger hunt.

    ~For food use coconuts and pineapples and pork based foods.

    ~Fox's glacier mints (the ones with polar bears on)

    ~Pineapple chunks sweets

    ~Coconut ice

    Hope this helps and you have a great party!

    Lulabelle x*x

  3. Oh go for it!

    Lots of Desert Island kinda stuff - exotic fruits, coconuts, pineapple juice, pina colada, a really wacky punch with bits in..............

    actually I've never watched it, but it sounds great fun!

  4. castaway idea would be better - u can play games like break the coconut and pin the tail on wilson

    make a  bunch of wilsons for party favors

  5. For my 21st I had a Harry Potter themed birthday party so yeah....this doesn't seem so geeky. :)

    My friends who didn't read or even like Harry Potter came and we had a great time. So just do what you want...don't worry if people think you're geeky.  

  6. it's your birthday.  have fun and don't stress about if everyone 'gets it'.  have a blast and sing "You All Everybody" at the top of your lungs.

    As long as you're not forcing people to dress up, I don't see how your theme would stop them from coming.

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