
For my BLET <span title="brethren...............................?">brethren....................</span>

by  |  earlier

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If there were a forum or chat room for the free exchange of ideas relative to air and train handling, would you participate?

If it were a premium website with a small annual fee for membership, would you pay it?

Note: I omit rules, rules interpretation and compliance purposely. Too much room for conflict with special instructions, general orders or track bulletins.




  1. even though I am not a railroader, I will hopefully be one as soon as next year, and yes I would pay to join a site like this.

    Good Luck and hope you get it created.

  2. Yes I would be interested in such sites.

  3. Very much interested in one. I tried to get a lot of information through research a few years back, but few specific people were available to answer questions. I wanted at the time to purchase some rail cars, but didn&#039;t get past the general information type stuff. I am still interested in the shipping end of rail. Can you keep us informed? One thing you may want to consider is two sites, one free as maybe a blog-type and the other as a pay-per, type site.


  4. I work for a railroad and would be interested in a site like you are asking about. I&#039;m always willing to learn and help educate others about the small but vital world we work in.

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