
For my Birthday tomorrow???

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So tomorrow is my birthday and I don't know what to do. I'll turn 24, I'm married and got a few friends thats all. Tomorrow, I was planning to go to a restaurant with my husband and 3 friends I have but I know I'll be bored. I have no idea what I should do for my birthday like the entire day untill night. My husband doesn't go to bars etc.. so I probably can't do it either:(

Can u please give me some ideas ?

P.S. I live in NJ 07093




  1. Have a special lunch with some friends :)

  2. go shopping

    get a mani/pedi

    get a milkshake

    have lunch

    and in other words, have a blast!

    i mean it is your birthday...

    or go to the beach with the mr.!

  3. try having a nice brunch with your 3 friends and you can have a few drinks with them

    then have a romantic dinner with your husband

  4. go to the beach in the day, get a mani & pedi, go to lunch, buy a cute outfit(&1 for ur husband later), movies, go to the resturaunt & eat & drink  

  5. Have a friend come with you and go to the spa or go get your hair and nails done somewhere.  

  6. Here is what I do to celebrate;


    eat or drink whatever I like and lounge for a while

    shower and head out for the spa getting a msg, nails and hair done

    maybe shop a bit and have a late lunch

    lay by the pool or beach

    take a nap

    get ready for the evening

    Some fun ideas for dinner might be to go Japanese, Brazilian, Moroccan, etc.  After, see if you might be able to get your hubby to go to your favorite place or find a middle of the road place like a blues bar or such, not a club.  otherwise you could host something at yourplace.

    It's your day, have fun!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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