
For my baby's first birthday..?

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for my daughters 1st birthday next month i wanna take her to the zoo. but my boyfriend is telling me thats stupid and a waste of money. I think it would be fun. she loves animals and shes not old enough for chucky cheese or kings island or anything..

do you think its a stupid idea?




  1. Sounds like a great idea! Especially since she's into that kind of thing. It's not only fun for her, but you'll have fun too! =)

  2. We took my baby girl in June, she was 9 months and she had a blast!!

    Take her, she'll love it, you'll love it and even more, your hubby will love it.

    Happy 1stbday to yours!  Mine will be 1 next month also.  =]

  3. I think it is an awesome idea and think that your daughter will love it. My daughter went to the circus the other week and she is only 5 months old and she absolutely loved it she couldn't take her eyes off the show. She also had a horse ride. I think do it take a camera and take pics so then they are there for future reference.  

  4. Thanks for the idea.  My son is turning one on 9-9 and I didn't know what we should do.  Not alot of friends and family around.  I think going to the zoo will be a great time.  Hope it will be a fun day for you guys too!  Happy Birthday to our kids.  The year went fast didn't it?

  5. I'm taking my daughter down to the SanDiego Zoo & Disneyland in September and she will only be 9 months old when we go, we are totally excited. She is walking and interested in every new sound, shape etc she will totally love it! You daughter (and mine!) won't remember the trip, but that doesn't mean they won't enjoy it now. And the pictures will be soo great for them to see later!

    Have a blast for her birthday!!!

    Toni Lynne

    PS I took my daughter to chuky cheese when she was 5 months old... I guess I am just excited for her to have fun and do everything.

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