
For my situation, which is better for the environment?

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I live in a small efficiency apartment. It has no dishwasher and just a small kitchenette with a sink. It's just me and my it better for me to use paper cups and paper plates and plastic silverware or to use real plates, cups, etc and wash them by hand every time?




  1. using real plates and silverware and hand wash.  The paper cups, plates and plastic silverware would be much more wasteful and would create waste that could sit in landfills for hundreds of years to come. The water to wash the dishes would not be AS wasteful.

  2. Wash ordinary dinnerware, but not with the water running constantly, or you lose much of the advantage of avoiding paper and plastic products.  If you don't have a divided sink, get a small tub that fits in the larger sink or use a large pot you already have as a wash and rinse tub set up.

    Over time, you'll find the right amount of water to be the "least" required.  Put a little into the sink with an eco-friendly soap, and use this to soak the pans and wash the dishes.  Rinse in a little clean standing water in the separate tub.  If you have a cold or flu, add a few drops of a bleach in the rinse water and let the dishes sit a few moments before you pull them out, but most of the time, just the soap and water will be sufficient for cleanliness.  A small draining rack that fits into the sink or sits on a separate mat will allow you to air dry the dishes.  For light soil (a few crumbs on a plate) a rinse is probably enough.

    Do any dishes as soon after the meal as possible, and you'll need less water and less soap to loosen food particles.

  3. Any time that you use plastic and paper cups and plates , you are contributing to pollution ......even before you even use them, because of the manufacturing of the item.  If you use real dishes it will save the landfills but you would still be contributing to pollution but not in a "disposable" type way. I would limit how many dishes that you have and wash them after each use so that the water isnt stll running when no dishes are actually being washed. Separate all of your garbage into metals, glass, paper, food to composte and recycle.      EVERYTHING

  4. Plastic silverware is not real but silver is natural and plastic is ah plastic.Use paper because it deteriorates easier.

  5. Check out your local Dollar Store, they have some half decent plates, cups, utensils, etc.

  6. Go to the local Salvation army garage sale etc. there will be plenty of plates already made , and mugs. By recycling them and using them , you are saving something like one ton of bleached paper from cups going into the system in one year.

    You are also saving on the energy use by the factories to make them, not to mention the trees .

    You may also find a nifty one you like.

  7. I think that using real plates, silver wares, and cups are better for the environment. If you use the paper cu[s and paper plates every single day, it is just a waste of paper. If you just use the same dishes and cups, it will just be like a regular dining and it will be better for the environment.

  8. if you use the same plate, knif and fork everyday you dont need to wash it at all, as the fresh food loosens and absorbs the crust of yesterdays food. i have done this for months on end. admittedly in a temperate climate, maybe not advisable in hot one!

  9. http://prachi-desai-is-blue-01.blogspot....



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