
For other cesarean mom's?

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Which week did they deliver your baby? I had my c-section at 36 weeks with my first daughter.




  1. I had my baby at 39 weeks 4 days into the pregnancy. He was breech and the c-section was planned the day before. He's nearly 4 months old now.  

  2. 38 weeks for breech baby.

  3. 35 weeks with my daughter because I had complete placenta previa.  Scheduled to have one with this baby at 39 weeks.

  4. 39th for son and 40 weeks for daughter..Congrats to you..:)

  5. is that your daughter in the pic??if so she's SO freaking cute but i haven't had a cesarean but I'm planning on having one and would like to know whats a good time to have it

  6. My first was at 36 weeks... pre-eclampsia and my second .... for my twins was at 32 weeks... one had a tacky heart beat. BTW your child is beautiful!

  7. I was 38 weeks, induced due to pregnancy-induced hypertension. It sucked, I was in labor for 19 hours when the doctors decided to do a c-section. My daughter was in distress due to the pitocine!

    EDIT: She weigh 6lbs  9oz 18in

  8. 1st 1 i had her natually cause she was born at 23 weeks, 2nd 1 i had him at 36 weeks by c-section because he was breeched and 3rd 1 i had him at 34 weeks by c-section because the placenta came off the womb wall and it was an emergancy c-section

  9. 37 weeks 4 days.

    not by choice.

    went into labor early, endured 20hrs. of hard labor, just ot end up with an unplanned c-section.

  10. I had a C-section at 25 weeks .... he was breeched.   That was 11 years ago.  Oh, I just noticed, is that your baby?  What a sweetie pie!

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