
For other paranormal investigators: Do you prefer digital or film cameras?

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I noticed on Ghosthunters they use digital. There's been articles written recently that digital photos can be doctored and therefore, not evidence. Thoughts?




  1. All pictures can be faked with today's technology it is easy. All one needs is a photoshop program and a working knowledge how to use it.

    I use both, however I have dropped the use of cameras on most investigation  because I have determined after thousands of photos and hundreds of investigations that ghost and paranormal experiences cannot be photographed.

    Those who still believe ghosts can be photographed usually still believe that there is such things as spirit orbs. That a full body  ghost uses too much energy so it appears as a round orb. This theory is going out but some still believe it.

    Those who think orbs is ghost the argument against  digital cameras is they pick up dust and pollen easier than film cameras. One supposedly professional ghost hunter who is well known and has been mentioned in many books once told me that if you use film and if there is only one orb then it is a spirit orb a ghost if you will. That is nonsense. Dust is dust and usually on film cameras it is on the lens of the camera. Whenever you have a small transparent circle in any photo no matter if it is one or thousands the best bet is it is dust.


  2. Digital photos can be doctored but, when you get down to it, so can photographs made from film.  Granted, the negative is harder to fake, but it's possible.  Unfortunately, photographs aren't going to be considered hard evidence.  Just like testimonials, they will be taken into consideration, but not taken as fact.  Same thing with video.

  3. As a paranormal investigator I will say that I prefer my Canon AE-1 35 mm camera. Digital cameras have too much a false positive rate: orbs, dust, abnormalities.

    Our team uses both.

  4. I would say they are both equally effective.Neither has ever taken  a photo that wasn't questionable.A better rule is the cheaper the camera.The more likely something will look spooky.The old flash cube 110's were really good.Just about every photo had a shadow or two in it.

  5. If you find a ghost, I will give you a million dollars of my own money.

    Not to mention, James Randi will give you a million dollars from the JREF.

    ...and criss angel will give you a million dollars of his own money as well...

    over 10 years running.... no ghost, no payday.

    Save your few years on this planet for actual scientific research.

    Oh! and ghosthunters was caught cheating!

    Just a T.V. show wanting ratings, so the producers actually set things up in advance.

  6. There's no definative evidence..anything can be faked. The only way you would know is if you have a personal, and unquestionable experience. Though I've seen video on a show that was computer analyzed by a video expert. This device could detect any changes that were made in the original filming. Whether this was truthful or not is not known.

  7. My team and I general stick to using... Both. When were are doing and investigation, we will have one film camera for evert digital one so that way we will also have negatives.

  8. My team also uses both from time to time.  It's hard to say, I guess that both have ups and downs with regard to evidence integrity.

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