
For over 18, have you served on a jury? yes or no welcome?

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with your answer put your age. also do you think lawyers should be allowed to dismiss jurors; i find the whole process kind of invasive since they ask so many personal questions. any other thoughts on the process? also do you think there is too much conflict of interest between the courts, the public defender's office and the da's office?




  1. The key is to say that you're prejudiced against all races.

  2. Yes once for 30 Minutes. 39 Years old.

    Yes they should be able to dismiss jurors , they have to try and determine if you would be biased. The process does suck though for many other reasons.  

  3. Yes. I am a lawyer and have always been fascinated by the process so I wanted Jury Duty since I was 14! I got called for it at 19, the case got dismissed before I even had to show up to the court house so I got recalled at 21. I served in that jury (federal) for 10 days. It is a bit invasive, but its to make sure that you get the best jurors you can.

    There is a lot of conflict in our justice system... not just with the DA and public defenders, no you should see how it is when discussing jurisdiction between the state of the federal government. I worked with the FBI for 7 years before I got injured and there was lots of conflicts over jurisdiction.  

  4. Age 53 called to panel 9 times juror 41 times. Yes I do think the lawyers should be able to dismiss jurors. On one case where I sat as jury foreman the case involved a multiple rapist. Out of 275 people in the panel  9 women and 2 men had been raped. They cheerfully admitted that they could not be impartial. One man wanted to hang the defendant right then.  

  5. 64 and have served for Superior (4 times), Municipal (6 times) and Federal (2 times).  The system is such that the lawyers are looking to put people  on jury that they hope will lean toward thier issues.

  6. I got out of jury duty with a doctors note.  

  7. Yes both criminal and civil.  50 plus.  Questions did not bother me at all.  I do not see a conflict of interest by anyone

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