
For parents, is this normal?

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I have a 13 year old son and a 12 year old daughter. Both of my kids would rather stay inside and read a book, or watch tv, then go outside. I know as a child, I was the same way. I know that children need exercise and fresh air, and do make them go outside, but my boyfriend says that there's something wrong with them because they don't want to spend all of their time outside, playing. It's actually caused fights between us because he says he just can't stand it and I should be more concerned that something's wrong with them. I don't think it's abnormal.

Thank you in advance for your input.




  1. To be honest most kids are like this now days. I think it is socially normal if you look at it as what kids do 'now' instead of back 'then' Most kids don't want to be outside all the time because now days there are a lot more options for kids to do stuff inside (games, internet, ect.) So kids are entertained indoors for a lot longer and a lot easier than in the past.

  2. i would put a limit on the tv time, maybe only 3 hours or so a day.  the books are great, the only thing you could do is give them a bunch of good books that are educational.     nothings wrong with them that they dont want to go outside, its just the way they are.  also if they dont already have it, buy bikes, roller blades, skateboards, and other outdoors stuff for encouragement.

  3. It's perfectly normal. Kids start loosing interest in going outside to "play" around that age because they feel they are too old for that. Going outside to play is only something little kids do, ect. They will become more interested in going to the mall or the movies. Things like that.  I was the same way. If you are concerned about them not getting enough exercise or fresh air than plan an outdoor activity that involves the entire family. Take a trip.  

  4. Your kids are normal!  

  5. Yes, it is very normal. Nothing is wrong with them; almost all teens and preteens are like that. But it is important for them to get outside for exercise. You should find a way to make them want to go outside- maybe get some outdoor game or have them invite a friend or something. Swimming is a good idea; it's fun and gets you really active.  

  6. Tell your boyfriend to BUTT OUT !!!! They are your kids not his...

    I am so concerned by the comment " Its actually caused fights between us because he says he just can't stand it "  What a controlling frigging ********....  PLEASE think of these two wonderful intelligent children and kick his backside to the kerb...  

    This man does not love or understand your children in anyway, shape or form.  You deserve a beautiful man who would be able to stand it, and LOVE IT and accept it.... This boyfriend is an abusive jerk, who thinks hes right and he AINT !!!!

  7. it's PERFECTLY normal. a lot of kids love to stay inside..

    they get excercise at school, walking home (if they do), walking around at home, in P.E, when they go shopping, and more things. if u think about it kids do get a lot of excercise....

    so yea

    hope i helped :D

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