
For parents of autistic children...?

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Do you have a feeling as to what caused your child's autism? Do you think it could have been the MMR shot?




  1. It's not the shot.

    I have 23-year-old with autism, and my dad has polio. By not getting the shots, you will be helping to bring back polio and other horrible, deadly diseases.


  2. Hi, im a SEN trainee teacher.

    We did all about this last year.

    There is no medical proof to state that the MMR jab caused Autism, the doctor who compiled and published his report was struck off because it was found out that he had falsified his findings and he could not prove that the MMR contributed to the diagnosis of Autism. According to new research, cases of the developmental disability autism, which was controversially associated with the triple MMR immunisation, have levelled out since 1992. The new research suggests that the rise in cases since 1979 may not have been "real", but rather the result of better awareness, diagnosis and record keeping. They also suggest that some parental claims of a link between MMR and autism may have increased after the immunisation debate arose in 1997. The National Autistic Society (NAS) is not able to comment directly on the autism/MMR issue, preferring instead to hold a neutral stance. However it welcomed the research. Stuart Notholt, director of policy and public affairs explained that the finding that the yearly numbers of autism diagnoses levelled off is not surprising. The rise in diagnoses would be due to cases that would once have been missed being recognised due to increased awareness of the disease. Once almost all of the children who have autism are being routinely diagnosed, the yearly numbers of diagnoses should remain steady. The levels would then only rise if there was an external factor that was a work to cause more children to develop the disease.

    I hope that helped, sorry for the mass of info. x

  3. my son was born at the end of Nov. he got his first shot at the end of Jan. and on Feb 3 he started running a fever of 104, his skin was grey, fleam was coming out of his mouth and his eyes were rolling up in his head. i heard him moaning through his baby monitor. when i went in and turned on the light he drew up in pain. rushed him to the hospital. they ran test and he had spinal meningitis. he has never been the same. i know the shot caused this. he was fine up until then.

  4. One hundred percent YES! My little brother has autism, and I am confident that the MMR vaccine caused his disorder. There is a preservative that they put in the MMR vaccine--I believe it is called thimerasol--that contains mercury.

    Senator Dan Burton of Indiana has supported a study to provide evidence that the MMR is linked to autism. In the Amish communities, the children are not vaccinated, and there are no instances of autism. Also, the number of autistic children significantly increased once it was mandated that children had to take the MMR vaccine as infants.

    I think it is an outrage that the government does not want to take responsibility for the problem that they have caused. They refuse to admit that their so-called advancements in science have failed. However, there are some Congress members who have been personally affected by autism (such Dan Burton) are pushing for legislation that would help those with autism. Hopefully, it can be pushed through.

    Measles, Mumps, and Rubella are curable--autism is not.

  5. I believe it was correlated with the immunization shots. He obtained more than the MMR. The day after that he was sick which the nurses at the clinic said may occur. Then later regression in language, responses, and mannerisms.

    If I had to do it over again. I would not allowed the immunizations shots to all occur at the same time. I would have had them space out. Also, I would have obtained a pedatrician (dedicated doctor for my child) as opposed to going to a clinic - even if it broke me. We were young struggling college students. We did not realize or expect this. We were trusting the medical proffesionals at the clinic.

  6. Me, I'm not sure...and no to the MMR. Even after having two boys 18 mo. apartwith autism, I can get confussed with the whole thing.

  7. My child was born with autism, I knew she was special from the moment she was born. As for the MMR vaccine, it is supposedly proven to be safe. However there is still doubt in my own mind and I have not had it given to my daughter whilst I still have even the slightest worry. It is thought at the moment that autism is hereditary and when I look at my own family I can see there is a link.

  8. I think every parent of autistic children has their own belief as to what causes it. I am the mother of three children with autism. The oldest two received the MMR shot the youngest did not. My belief is it was the shots I was given before they were born.  I was given a shot to stop early labor and then  weeks later when I was in labor they gave me a shot to induce hard labor. These shot I had with all three of my children. Whatever goes through the mother's body goes through the child.

  9. I don't think so personally, because I could tell my daughter was different the moment I first held her in the hospital.  I kept trying to tell my family that she was different and they wouldn't listen to me.  Now she has been diagnosed with Autism.  I think it is possible, that she shot may have made hers worse, because at age 3 we "lost her"  she changed totally at age 3 and got really hard to deal with, but I firmly believe that she was born Autistic.  One thing I have noticed among a lot of the moms I know whose children are Autistic is that our kids were born with their cords around their necks.  I think someone should do a study on that.

  10. I have 2 children (possibly 3) with autism.  (haven't gotten the 3rd tested).

    When I first found out about my son having autism 4 yrs ago, I was wrapped up in all the whys, esp. why or what caused it.

    Now, i will give the best advice I wish someone would've given me.  

    And that is...

    Cut it out!  What difference does it make why your child has autism or what caused it?  It's not like it's going to make things any better for you or your child.  So stop wasting your time on it.

    Instead, remember to "keep moving forward".  Think in terms of "What can i do now to help my child?"

    Speech, Occupational, and physical Therapy is definitely the place to start.  And don't just take your child to a therapist a few times a wk.  Watch what they are doing.  learn by watching.  do similar stuff at home.

    Out of Sync child and Out of Syn child has fun are great books.  there are a lot of other wonderful material out there.  if you want, i can tell you some other really good reads on autism.

    my children, for whom i quit my job, and started homeschooling, are doing much better now that i am accepting of the fact that God gave me these wonderful and special children because He knew I could handle it.  (although there are days... ;)

    so anyway, who cares what caused it.  too much controversy over it.  focus on solution!  and best of luck to all you parents!!!

  11. Actually, both of my children reacted to DTP, with 108º fevers (with tylenol) lethargy, seizures, and regression (loss of skills) and have been diagnosed with severe autism and HFA/aspergers. I have younger kids that have not been vaccinated, and they do not have autism (although they do have social anxiety and adhd)

    There are genetic components as well in my family, my dad and my father-in-law are very intelligent guys with bad social skills. I think we obviously have a genetic predisposition, just think that something in the environment (ie shots) triggered a much more distinct form of autism.

  12. It has not been proven if the MMR is safe or not-they say they won't stop using it until it is proven to be unsafe-shuldn't*t be teh other around-it should be proven that it is safe before using it

    It is thought to be the thimerosol in the vaccines (not just the MMR-it is a Mercury derivative).  it has been tyaken out  of children's vaccines-but the rates of autism continue to increase.  It is still in the flu shot.....This seems to indicate that it is not the thimerosol..

    But still-you are exposing children to a large number of toxins in the vaccines-such as 'inactive virus'---anything unnatural can be unsafe--

    to me it doesn't make sense to give so many shots in such a short period of time---one problem is that they combine shots so there are less needles-so the child is getting more toxins at one time--

    whether or not vaccines cause autism-I am uncomfortable with the way they are administered now-things like Chicken Pox-and possibly Guardasil being required-is not right----why are they forcing girls to be vaccinated against a disease that shouldn't be transmitted in school---same with hep B and I think tetanus....

    making it a requirement for school attendance is unethical when the disease is unlikely to be transmitted in school....

  13. personaly i think it is something they are born with and alot of times it is hard to notice signs untill they are older and then you realize they aren't doing what they should be at that age, its so hard to know when they are infants because they dont do much.

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