
For parents of kids that are 'off the charts.'?

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Does it irritate you when other people say, 'oh, he/she's so big! don't worry, they will slim down when they are a toddler.'?

My daughter has been off the charts since about 3 months. We get those kind of comments all the time! It drives me nuts!!! It's almost like they are looking at her w/ pity or something. sure she's chunky (30lbs), but at 15 months, she's 34.5 inches.

It get's under my skin...I know it shouldn't, but w/ all the image problems little girls have today I suppose I'm a little more protective. Do you get the same kind of comments?




  1. i have it the other  way my daughter is below the bottom line on the height/weight charts. She's got a growth disorder. I always had people saying "oh don't worry she'll catch up" "she'll probably end up taller than everyone else"

    hmmmmmm no she'll never "catch up" although she will hopefully (with growth hormone treatment) get to the lower side of "normal"

    she's coming up 12yr old is just 4ft1" tall and weighs 4stone 5 lbs.. (height 125cms weight 28k)..

    i always get asked if she eats enough.. ummm she can eat as much as any other child her age maybe more lol.......luckily she burns it off well.

    EDIT i remember when she was 6 months someone said to me "oh she's MASSIVE now" um 6 months and 9lb 12oz is NOT massive by any standards. even tiny premi babies had taken over her by theshe lacks natural growth hormone has just 1/2 levels and her bones do not respond to the little she has so she get growth hormone via injection.. even with treatment she's tiny, but otherwise quite normal

  2. People are ridiculous sometimes. They just want their babies to seem soooo tiny compared to others. Mine is 16.8 pounds and shes almost 9 months so no shes not big but everyone who has babies are like OMG she is just SO BIG. Yeah right.

  3. Babies' and toddlers' growth is extremely variable, and I don't know if those charts are all that meaningful at that age.

    My kids were always in the 75th-90th percentiles for weight as babies and toddlers, and the nurses used to make irritating comments to me too.  But by the time they were in elementary school, they were just average.  None of them ever were or are overweight as kids or as young adults.  They all exercised a lot and stayed in good shape.

    I would just focus on developing good eating habits, lots of physical activity, and a healthy diet from a young age on.  

  4. I have the same. My son was 10lb 12.5oz at birth and everyone just kept says. "Wow, he's a big boy. Sure he will level out like everyone else." Well now he is 11 months and 23lb. Still higher on the chart. I don't want him to be like every other baby. And by reading all the other comments there is no such thing as normal or average.

  5. I personally didn't have a big baby. However, my nephew was a chunky baby. He weighed a lot at just 6 months. He used to eat 2 big jars of baby food at one sitting. He was just a hungry baby.

    It is true though, since he has been walking for the last couple months he has lost most of his rolls. People would say he looked like the Michelin tire baby. My brother and sister in-law had to take it with a grain of salt. We all loved him and thought he was the cutest, rolls and all.  

  6. chunky, at 30lbs at 15 mos????

    my girl is 12mos and she is 28.5lbs and the dr and HV always told me she was doing great as she was following the same growth line since birth.... so now im sort of wondering if she too big!

    if anything, people think my girl is small. she is tall and skinny, she is so active though.

  7. my son was big since birth...

    8lb 8oz 22inches long...

    he just turn 2 years old...2weeks ago...

    he weighs about 35lbs

    he's weighed 30lbs since he was 18 months but he kinda just stopped growing for now.......

    everyone thinks he is 3 or 4 years old but he just turned 2...

    he's slightly shorter and weighs the same as my 4 year old niece...

    i just think it means they are very healthy...

    and yes they do slim down and stop grow around 2...

    i wish he was smaller, only because i'm so small i'm 5"1 and i weigh 105 and it's really hard on me to carry such a big baby....

    but your daughter is normal... don't worry about what other people have to say...

  8. wow shes growing fast. but my kids are big too. my kids are over average, last time i checked which wasnt so long ago. my 3 year old is 42 inches and 42 lbs. my 4 year old is 45 lbs and 43 inches. both boys. dont worry. people say these comments all the time. they always judge. especially me too. im asian and im taller and bigger than my mom. shes 5ft. im like 5'8. so when friends or family see me. they say wow your daughter so big. how can that be>? shes bigger than u and so on. u just tend to get used to these things. dont let it bother you. there just jealous. thats all. thats great ur babies bigger. i always say i rather my baby be bigger than under average. mean ur feeding ur baby right and she loves food. take good care of her. and ur lucky. i wanted a daughter too. but not going to try any time soon.

    p.s all it means is your a good mother your feeding her right.

    ok ttyl. u can email me or message me anytime.  

  9. my kids were off the charts tall and under the charts for weight (still are at 11 years old). do not rely on charts,,they are an average and children grow and change at different rates.  i never listened to others.  the dr never said anything about it (i myself am tall and slender as are many in my family,,it is in the genes) and i didnt listen to others.  if your baby is happy and healthy do NOT listen to others.  if your dr is not concerned dont worry about it.  i think people need to worry about themselves and their own before passing judgement on others.

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