
For parents with a boy and girl?

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Were your pregnancies very different depending on the s*x of your baby? In what ways? Which was more enjoyable?




  1. I dealt more with drops in blood sugar/nausea with my son (and gained more weight...partly because of the blood sugar thing).

    I'm pregnant again (13 weeks) and I feel like I did with my son, so it will be interesting to see if this is a boy.

    I don't believe that any of it has anything to do with gender, and I think these posts show that too.

  2. Hi.. I have 3 kids.. Two girls and one boy.. With my oldest it was crazy for me cause thru out the 8 months i was preg with her, i was sick all the time and throwing up alot. Well again, it was my first preg., Thats what happens. But with my two pregancy they were the same, sleeping alot, moody, eating like crazy.. But no pains or nothing whatsever..But not all pregancy are all the same. Thats something that each female goes thru..  I know with my last pregancy,, i used to fall down all the time, i would end up in the hospital cause i was always losing my balance with my son. But, lucky he came out all jumping, but a happy baby.. But he is healthy and normal. Again all pregancy are different, depending on the girls body.. Hope this helped..

  3. My son was first... I had every ache and pain there was. I am 36 weeks along with my daughter now, and have had a great pregnancy. I was nauseated with both of them the first month or two, and I have had some heartburn with my daughter, but man... with my son I had round ligament pains that would knock me over all through the pregnancy... dunno if that's cause he was a boy or my first though... my guess is my first.

  4. with my first and second pregnancies they were exactly the same and i had 2 boys and with this one (currently 35 weeks) its been totally different and again i'm having a boy. x

  5. my mum is a mother to both boys and girls, and she said in her experience they were the same.

  6. Yes.....I was really sick on my two boys and nothing on my daughter so that pregnancy was easier (but not necessarily enjoyable due to bad circumstances).

  7. i was  either puking my guts out ofr sound asleep  most of the time i was pregnant with my daughter my son i was never, sick or tired.

  8. I was very sick on my first and had a boy. Second, totally different, thought I was having a girl. Third a bit sick but nowhere near as much as first, convinced it was going to be a boy, turned out to be a girl. No real way of telling (except ultra sound) but it's fun guessing.

  9. Both my pregnancies were very similar.  I was very lucky because I felt really well throughout both the pregnancies (apart from a bit of heartburn), but no morning sickness etc.  The deliveries felt different: my first (daughter) took longer and wasn't too painful,  my son's delivery was shorter but more painful.  Not sure either could be described as 'enjoyable' although the gas and air was good!

    Jo x

  10. I have a boy and a girl and both my pregnancies ran smoothly.  I put on more weight with my son, but he was heavier than my daughter!

    Apart from that, both pregnancies were virtually the same including my "morning sickness" lasting virtually all day with both of them, and me having the same cravings with both my daughter and my son even though there is 4 years between them!!

    Both births were both long and painful although I did have more complications with my son's birth!

  11. My mom said it was the same its just when she had a boy her stomac was higher to her cheast  n wid a girl it was lower from her cheast like there was space between them but she enjoyed both! :)

  12. Every pregnancy is different, regardless of the baby's s*x. It has to do with many factors, one being where the embryo attaches itself to the uterus, etc. These factors can have a profound influence as to how you carry your baby, what your moods will be during such time and whether or not you will experience morning sickness. This, my dear, has nothing to do with the s*x of each child. Nothing.

    I have both a boy and girl. They were two very different pregnancies. I stuck out like a full term mother in my 7th month and I looked like I was carrying a little basket ball with the other.

    I was sick with both. The sickness went away in the fourth month with both, but the way I carried was different.

  13. From a fethers view, my sons build up to birth was very quick due to it being our first child and it's all excitment and attention (for the mother obviously) but equally extreemly tiring, my sons labor/birth was long but uncomplicated and he was huge and i can only imagine seeing everything was extreemly painfull!!!

    My daughters was obviously less of an attention seeker but for us just as good and exciting as my sons but her labor/birth was very quick and an easier birth, to quote my kids mother after my daughter was born "is that it?"

  14. yes they were different---

    I had worse morning (all day) sickness with my son

    I had terrible heartburn with my daughter (none with my son)both had a lot of hair)

    I craved meat and potatoes (hearty meals) with my son

    I craved sweets with my daughter

    Gained 3 times as much with my daughter

    my son was first

    EDIT: I felt worse with my daughter--sometimes dizzy more worn out and less energy---her kicks also felt stronger, with my son the kicks were not as hard they just kind of tickled a bit or just moved with my daughter it felt like she was swinging off my ribs--it was very uncomfortable

    both were small--my son was 5 lbs. 11 oz. and my daughter was 6 lbs. 6.3 oz.

    my labor and delivery was different as well

    with my son (1st) I woke up in a lot of blood (it was pouring out throughout my entire labor) and with constant pain (thought I was going to die, literally)--my contractions were 1 to 2 minutes apart when I got to the hospital--gave birth after a hard delivery a little over 5 hours after I had awaken.  I pushed for a long time more than an hour....I think

    with my daughter (2nd) I woke up at 4:45 A.M.---I knew I was in labor (got in the tub to see if that would make the contractions go away or slow--nope this was it) went to wake up my husband (who took a bath)  Finally when we get to the hospital my contractions were 3 minutes apart (no blood this time and my water broke on its own when I was laying in the hospital bed)

    I gave birth to my daughter at 7 AM after just a few pushes (3 pushes per contraction) 2 contractions that I pushed on only 1 push on the second---so after 4 pushes so much easier still painful but over quickly can't remember the pain as much as with my son

  15. Yes, they were different. My girl was harder than my boy. I stayed sick all of the time with my girl.

  16. i found both to be the same, no sickness with either, no cravings, although told partner i NEEDED ice cream. both felt the same, although was bigger with son so had back ache more.

    mum had one of each and she always said, both prgs were the same.

  17. My sister-in-law just had a baby boy two weeks ago and her baby girl is almost two years old. She experienced more nausea with her baby girl but that might be just because it was her first pregnancy.


  18. I have two girls and a boy, and I have to say they were totally different. I was always sick with both girls and gained a lot of weight. with my son I never felt sick and hardley gained any weight. I think i enjoyed being preggo all three times but the easiest was my son.

  19. 4 kids...........a son, sick first 5 mos. gained 55 lbs 2 weeks overdue hooked to pit to dilate after 8 hrs

    9 years later..............2nd son, sick 1 day gained 35 lbs  5 days early posterior position (ouch) water wouldn't break hooked to pit after 5 hrs

    14 mos later..................daughter, never sick gained 25 lbs  came day she was due dilated and gave birth within 3 hrs

    8 years later.......(big surprise) 3rd son never sick gained 20 lbs 10 days overdue gave birth within 2 hrs

    My daughter was the only pregnancy i had where you could not tell i was pregnant from the back

  20. my son was harder. I gained more weight (he was big at 10 lbs 14 oz) more heartburn, more aches and pains ... but all pregnancies are different, even if you have 4 babies of the same s*x.

  21. night and day.... my daughter was easy... my son was really horrible.  morning sickness and pain all through!!!

  22. I was ALOT sicker with my wee girl, it lasted the entire pregnancy, with my wee boy it came and went my entire pregnancy.  I just had a bump with my wee boy and put on all over with my wee girl, my hubby says my appetite was alot better with my wee girl, this pregnancy is the same as my wee boys so think its another boy!!

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