
For people in Ontario Canada?

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Why they charge 10 cents for a beer can or beer bottle, but don't charge for pop cans or plastic water bottles?

If the environment is a concern, charge a recycle fee for all cans and bottles.

Make sense? Then bottles and cans would not be tossed all over the place.




  1. I didn't know they charged 10 cents for beer cans and bottles. Did you mean the recycling refund that you get for turning it in? If so, it's the same for pop cans -- not sure about water bottles.

    But if indeed, there is some charge on top of what we pay, please realize that in Ontario, the government sells most alcohol products. It's called a "sin tax." They know people will likely buy booze and cigarettes and gamble no matter what (because a lot of people can become easily addicted to each of these), so they apply an enormous tax to these items in the expectation that no matter what people make, they'll always buy these things (should they be addicted to them) and the government will have a great source of revenue.

  2. The beer companies want the deposit so people return them.

    It is cheaper than replacing bottles.

    The current government in Ontario is the Liberal Party. They have lied and told us what is good for us. That's their intro.

    To put a deposit on bottles and cans would put the recycling business out of business. The aluminium and steel cans produce a lot of revenue and jobs.

    Returning empties would decrease the recycling and stop a stream of revenue that up to now is very lucrative. Free money and we leave it at the curb.

    The environment is not on the agenda for this current government.Hopefully they are short lived power.

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