
For people on disability ?

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if a women is on disability for mental health stuff but its doing better will they take her baby a way ?




  1. What is most likely is if they consider that the baby might be at risk is to require that you take parenting classes and get in home help a few hours a week that is a combination of help and assessment.

    They  might require you get respite care if they think having a baby 24/7 is too stressful.

    Taking a baby away would be the last resort and would only be done when other options were exhausted.  

  2. It depends on various factors on whether a baby is taken away or not.

  3. there is no direct relation.

    technically tehre needs to an actual threat to the baby--not just a concern that there may be a threat for childrens service to even investigate

  4. The only way they will take the baby away is if they feel the baby is in danger

  5. It would depend on the illness and the severity.  

  6. My wife is on disability for a serious but well medicated and maintained mental condition. We had a beautiful baby girl last November and have not seen the mysterious "They". I'm disabled as well and on SSD yet still no "They".  Truth is, unless child protective services are called, or the women in question is under adult protective,or she has some other sort of outstanding reasons for people from the county to be involved in her life "They" will leave her alone. "They" only come when they are called. Then taking the child is a last resort as most areas sorely need more foster homes.

  7. Only if the baby is being abused or neglected.

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