
For people supporting john edwards? is this immoral hypocrite finished?

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politically? no way obama puts this adulterer on ticket now! what kind of man does this to wife who has cancer? if you people would forgive him, what fools you are! should she divorce him, despite her struggles?




  1. the people of north carolina should never have elected him into office in the first place.  

  2. To think people actually voted for Kerry-Edwards...

  3. here's a little story about john "i was a passenger on a downed aircraft, ergo a military superhero" mccain's FIRST wife

  4. Hes toast.  

  5. So he's a slug - but he's still an outstanding leader and politician.  He can help Obama run the country.  What politician hasn't lied to the American people -

    And if Hillary can stay with Bill - well - I think that answers your question.

  6. John Edwards..made a big mistake, went public with his cheating/affair..he was wrong and admitted it..look at president Clinton..what is the difference..none..cheating is cheating..many have been exposed throughout this country..

  7. Like he's the first politician to ever fool around on his wife!

  8. John Edwards is not worse than anybody else, politician or not, that has done this before; he is not the first one who does it; he will not be the last one.  I feel pretty bad for his wife but that's what people face when they get into public life. The only great thing about the situation is that it clearly shows everybody that no political party is immune to scandals....  

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