
For people that already went through 8th grade?? i need help!! :)?

by Guest58739  |  earlier

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kk so im goin in2 8th grade, and im kinda gettin scared already!!! =/!!! i really shouldnt b scared cuz its not like im ganna b the new kid and im obviously not goin in2 highschool yet. so anyways, idk how its ganna b like, and especially math!!! thats my worse subject! i just dont understand it so good! and my best friend got the 2nd best grade out of the grade!!!! and i aallwayyys have 2 ask her for help on homework or something. but i didnt get there yet, so mayb the school year isnt as bad as i think. so is it really that bad?? do u think ill get through ok?? im pretty good is every other class!! k thanks sooo much!




  1. Well I'm going into 9th grade right now so I just finished 8th grade. I took 8th grade advanced math so I skipped pre-algebra and I went right into Algebra. I heard that pre-algebra is a combination of 7th grade and an introduction into 9th grade algebra so it's pretty easy (but then again, I never took it so I cant be 100% sure on that). and its really about taking the time to study it. if you're not good at math, talk to your teacher and get extra help. math is one of the most important subjects so if you're bad at that, it can really affect your chances of getting into a good high school and later on college.

  2. Wow! You sound just like me, I have just done 8th grade im going into 9th grade and all I can say is if you get stuck ask the teacher for help and revise! This is the mistake I made, I didn't studie for any of my tests and I don't think that I got as gooder grades as I could of but I wont make that mistake this year. Just try not to worry just make sure that you listen well in lessons and do as much work as you can and always try hard there is nothing more you can do then try your best.

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