
For people that have dropped hints for a person to leave you alone......

by Guest64481  |  earlier

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when they finally stopped, how did you feel? Have you ever felt guilty? How did you act when you ran into them?




  1. Relieved.


    I treat them like any other person.

  2. Well, if I dropped hints and they took the hint, I'm thrilled.  If they didn't   take the hint and I had to actually be forcefully blunt, I may feel a bit guilty.  But obviously I didn't want that person around or I wouldn't have dropped hints, so you can't feel anything other than relief that the person is finally leaving you alone.

    You aren't wrong for feeling rejected but you do need to move on.  You two did not click as much as you thought you did.  No big deal.  You'll meet new friends that you actually do have common interests with.

    Of course are you sure she dropped hints at all?  You said she tried to reassure you and tell you that you are a close friend, nothing would change that and that you are sweet.  What makes you think that's a hint that she doesn't like you?

    She said she'd call you later and didn't.  One time a person forgets to call you and you assume that's hints that she hates you?  You overreact a lot.  Something came up.  She was out with people and didn't want to call you in front of them.  She had an emergency come up.  She had a project she had to finish.  She got grounded and couldn't call.  You really gotta relax.  Sometimes people can't talk on the phone all night.  That doesn't mean they aren't your friend.

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