
For people that really know guns?

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My hobby is guns. I want to be able to own and shoot automatic weapons. I understand it is extremely hard to own weapons and get licenses for them. So my question is, how can i go about getting the proper license for owning automatic weapons such as AK's? Will i have a better chance of getting the proper license if i become a police officer?




  1. Any lawabiding citizen of the USA can obtain necessary licenses and yada.  You should insert the word "wealthy" in front of the word citizen.  Owning them and shooting them is even more expensive than a mistress.

  2. Any law-abiding citizen that lives in a state without obnoxious gun laws (Arizona being an excellent example) can own as many Class 3 devices as he can afford to pay for without the impediment of special 'permits' or 'taxes'. Al one need do is follow the BATFE regs and complete the paperwork and pass the background check.

    Becoming a police officer will have little or NO effect of making this easier. Only the monumental costs of establishing and maintaining a Class 3 dealership will, as Class 3 dealers can purchase and possess weapons (as samples) that are forbidden to 'regular Joe' law-abiding U.S. citizens.

  3. Email the NRA and the BATF. They will tell you everything you need to know.

  4. Getting the proper authorization to own automatic weapons is not hard for law abiding citizens in most states

    It's the cost of the guns that keep them out of them hands of the average joe

  5. Do you have $30,000 sitting in a box somwhere?

    Not all states require the tax stamp or class 3 but you still have paperwork and that criminal organization known as BAFTE to deal with.

  6. Where do you live?

    Thats the best way to even begin to answer this question.

    Some states allow average Joe to own these full auto guns, with appropriate permits and tax stamps.

    Some states average Joe is not allowed to have them, UNLESS he happens to be the proprietor or employee of a liscensed dealer, AND pays the appropriate taxes.

    Its really a c**p shoot, depending on where you live.

    And having large bank accounts will definately aid this process!

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