
For people who are pro life can you explain to me how this website is supposed to help? (link)?

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  1. It is designed to open peoples eyes to the fact that a "fetus", even at an early stage is a REAL baby. It does not magically become human when the mother first holds it in her arms, it is real from conception, and is not a part of the mother. Every baby will become a person, providing they have the chance. Just because some people are selfish, and want what they want, no matter the cost, does not  mean that innocent babies must die. If you want to know when "life" begins, it is at the moment the egg starts to grow.

  2. Sounds gross so I didn't follow the link.  But according to the info on that site it is trying to show people what abortions and aborted babies look like.  Possibly to gross them out, but mostly to convince them that pro-life is the way to go.

    (For all the people who can't be convinced morals alone.)

  3. What is wrong with it?  If a fetus is just a glob of flesh, I am failing to see what is so harmful about the pictures here.  Unless you are attempting to gloss over the idea that people get arrested for doing such things to animals but not to unborn humans....I am failing to understand your disgust in the matter.

  4. I demonstrates that it is not just a choice.  Showing horrible pictures only irritates everyone and it probably doesn't help politically.

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