
For people who hack on computers?

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how do u get past like school blocks? proxy?




  1. Yes Proxies Can Unblock Blocked Sites, Try These

  2. Getting past web filters is difficult. Some software does not block proxy sites, but more and more are. Try using a proxy site ( Google the term for hundreds of thousands of them ), and see if that works.

    If proxy sites are a no go, you can try RDP/Hamachi/LogMeIn to access your home computer from the school, although these services/sites may be blocked as well.

    Hacking the filter is much more difficult for most people. Since the filter is usually an applicance sitting on the edge of the network between you and the Internet, it is almost impossible to get around it from a standard workstation. The easiest method (and this works more often than you'd realize) is to determine the appliance/software being used. This is generally provided by a splash screen on blocked sites. Determine the IP address of the appliance or server running the software and navigate to it in the browser. Do a Google search for "insertfilternamehere default password". Try those login credentials - a lot of system administrators don't bother to change them. Once you're in, just change the filter rules for your computer (find the name under Computer-Properties on your local machine.

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