
For people who have been on a cruise... are you searched before boarding?

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before boarding the cruise ship, are you patted down? searched? was curious about how safe it would be to bring a joing in my cigaretta pack with me..

what about when you get off of the boat (going to bahamas), are you patted down and searched when you get back on? or just metal detectors?...




  1. good Luck

  2. NO, you dont get patted down, but you do go thru something similar to airport screening. I wouldnt suggest doing it because if you do get caught it probably wont be pretty. They do have drug dogs at customs for luggage when you disembark (according the the show on National Geographic about Americas' docks) I wouldnt risk it

  3. You go through customs, just like you were getting on an airplane.

    There are metal detectors, xray machines for the bags, and sometimes they do bring dogs.

  4. depends what cruise, tell people the name of the cruise maybe someones been on the same one, they'll know for definate


    but once you start going into port they sometimes get the dogs and search your bags.


  6. You are not searched, but I have seen dogs looking for something in the ports, plus where would you light up that it would not be smelled, Please don't take the chance of being thrown off the ship. That is a lot of money to throw away for a ruined vacation and a little smoke.

  7. I wouldn't risk it. I went on a cruise this year and the couple got their furry handcuffs taken away from them. They were in the carry on bags. So I would try it. Just wait to get some weed from the port of call.

  8. You are searched.  There are also drug/bomb sniffing dogs at the port where you get on board the ship. The Customs officials are trained to watch for any strange body language, if you give any indication that you are nervous you will be searched.

    Yep..go ahead and smuggle an illegal substance into a foreign country or back onto the ship.  You could make it..or you may not.

  9. what's a joing....joint?

    I wouldn't risk it if I were you, if caught there are lengthy jail sentences in some countries

  10. I guess it depends on where you go.

    Last summer I went to a cruise on the Baltic Sea and in Copenhagen (Denmark) and I don't remember being searched or having dogs around.

    If the joint is going to be hidden in the cigarette pack, there are little chances they search there.

    There are metal detectors and x-rays for your bag, so the best thing you can do is to put the pack in a backpack or something and pass it through the x rays because they will probably make you empty your pokets

    However you know that if you s***w up, it will probably be one of your worst summers ever.

  11. yes it is always a custom to check people on flights.

    i am not to sure about the boat since i rarely cruise on one

    so if you can bring cigarettes provided you don't smoke 'em

    in the ship/plane. you are patted down and searched too

    the scanners are mostly for the luggage

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