
For people who have kids: What is the "perfect child"?

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There's a lady in my neighbor, let's call her Judith. Judith is 19 and she threw a party last week, and she invited me. (I'm 14.) We are bestfriends and don't worry I didn't have any alcohol. There was alcohol at the party but she said no drinking, but if I must just a wee bit.

Anyways she have a boyfriend, and she was talking on and on about what a beautiful baby they would have since they're both good looking. Then her friends and I was just talking about what a perfect daughter's quality was. She said:

"If I had a daughter I would make her join the swim team, make her do gymnastics for 3 years then continue her swimming, give her beautiful sandy highlights if she's a blonde like me, and if she's a bit on the ugly side give her a nose job right before her freshman year in highschool, buy her the latest "it" electronics, let her wear Hollister because it makes skinny girls look like they have curves because of the tightness, basically a prep. Because preps are the popular girls."

And when she said that, it dissapointed me because I'm the exact opposite of what she described and I always wanted to be what she said would be the "perfect daughter" but I'm far from it.

:( Please tell me what she said was crazy.




  1. yes.. that is major crazy! parents who make there kids "perfect" end up having kids with major psychological problems.. but not always..

  2. yeah that kids either going to end up being a spoiled brat or a resentful rebel type kid

    my little sister is the perfect child, what ever you tell her to do she does (nothing bad of course) she is shy respectful, sweet caring, adorable and totally loving herself. she is a wonderful kid inside and out. she is mildly retarded but that doesn't change things she's great out of 15 siblings she's my fav and the most beautiful kid i've ever met

  3. There is no perfect child or person.. No one is perfect...She thinks she is it but far from it.  

  4. That person is CRAZY. I have four daughters, all with different personalities, and I would have to say that the perfect daughter is one the respects herself, and know who she is. And as long as she has some kind of goals for herself, and is happy, is as perfect as I could wish.  

  5. She doesn't know what she's talking about.

    No one is perfect.

    People have different definitions of a perfect child, one dad might think little baseball jimmy is perfect, yet one other dad might think computer geek timmy is perfect.(perfect meaning like good son not perfect,perfect lul)

  6. your own.

    (and yes your friend is crazy.)

  7. Your friend has yet to experience the joys of Motherhood. Her child will be nothing like she ever imagined, and yet, still "perfect". Don't be upset that she didn't describe you. You aren't her daughter, you are her friend. That doesn't mean she doesn't love you. Young women who imagine what their children will be like are very similar to those young girls talking about what their boyfriends will be like. Of course they never turn out to be what we always dreamed of... yet somehow, they ARE perfect and we love them anyway!

  8. there is no such thing of a perfect anyone or anything this girl was an idiot and i want to punch her oin the face her daughter would be a who*e like her if she raised her that way

  9. One that cries

  10. you are beautiful the way you are. trust me thats not everyones idea if perfect=]

  11. there isnt one..her child maybe does all those things but what if she also...sneak and smoke,sleep around,fails in school...dont worry just be the best you can be long as you and your parents are happy you are the perfect child in your own way

  12. I took marriage and family life in college,and we we all given baby dolls,and after a week of spending time with our "baby" we we to write a paper saying what are baby was like ect.I didn't follow the paper exactly.

    I wrote that I would raise my child to be a good,honest,loving,respectful,and hard working person.I also wrote that beyond character,trying to force my child to take dance ect was not good parenting ect. I didn't follow the rules exactly,I made a good point,and got an A.

    I believe what I wrote,and I am raising my daughter in what I believe,not in what I think her life achievements should be. My mother didn't raise me to be that way.

  13. Ha ha... yep, she's crazy!  Well, maybe not crazy... just young and stupid.  Trust me, once she actually has kids, her whole idea of "perfect" will change.  I know, because I have kids.  So let me tell you about my daughter:

    She's a gymnast; she's a cheerleader (head cheerleader, in fact); president of student council and national honor society; takes all advanced classes and gets high As in all of them; has won just about every contest or award there is; she's pretty, popular, and has been dating the same guy (captain of the football team) for 3 years.  Oh, and she can sing pretty well, too.  Sounds almost unreal, huh?  But I'm not lying.

    So do those things make her perfect?  Heck no!  They just mean she's a really lucky girl.  But take away all those things, and I would still think she's a perfect daughter. Or at least pretty close to it.  Because...

    She's a genuinely nice person.  She's kind and friendly to everyone and really cares about other people's feelings.  She's respectful to her parents and to other adults.  She works really hard at everything she does, and never complains about it.  She's appreciative of what she has and never asks or begs for anything.  She helps around the house without being asked, and never has to be asked twice to do something.  She's a responsible, reliable, trustworthy person, and she's just nice to be around.

    These things are WAY more important to me than all the others.  They're the things that make her a decent, respectable person.  Take away all that other stuff, and I would still be very proud and thankful that she's my daughter.  So don't let your friend's comments bother you.  REAL parents know that there are much more important things in life than being popular or preppy or good at sports or whatever.

    Oh, and just so you don't completely hate my daughter... she does have some faults!  She's got the messiest handwriting I've ever seen and can't even draw a straight line.  And she has terrible table manners... she eats like a truck driver.  Drives me nuts.  But hey, nobody's perfect. =]

  14. That woman is insane and would make an awful mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

    There is no such thing as a perfect child or adult.  That's the beauty and variety of the human race.  :)

    Love yourself as you are, honey!

  15. I hope she has a boy!

  16. Yes, she is crazy.

    I hope she's infertile.

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