
For people who have zunes, and everyone else.?

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is a zune like a ipod? I know that they have there own website to download songs, but is the website just as big of a pain as itunes is? and are they good music players for the price? thx!




  1. Zune is awesome! I have a 30gb, but it's clunky so get an 80, 4, or 8. Anyway the music store isn't as big as Itunes, but the software and store is way easier to use! I hoped I helped and God Bless! Zune is not like an Ipod though, they say the squircle is better. IMO I thing the 80 zune's better than the 80 pod, but the 4 and 8 from each company are formidable oponents.

  2. I don't have either an ipod or a zure, but zunes are annoying and don't have that cool touch sensitive wheel thing. With a zune you have to click click click click click down to the song you want. :D imhob of course

  3. The Zune uses the Market Place. The Zune Market place is NOT, in any-way, as big as the itunes store is; but, the Zune Market place is, I think, alittle easier. Something to consider is that Microsoft is discontinuing the Zune soon. So the remaining Zunes in stores will be going on clearance and on sale. Currently the Office Max near my house is running a clearance on their Zune stock $150 for an 80GB Zune. Im not sure what that means for the Zune Market place, if that will end aswell, I imagine that Microsoft will still do something but who knows what it will be. What I do know is that Micrsoft isnt know for compatiblity, even with thier own devices, so what ever they make it will probably be a clumsy mess.  

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