
For people who know a lot about astrology?

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Are there any zodiac signs that are actually considered, "bad to have." For example, someone who is of a certain zodiac sign, who, because of that zodiac sign, will have a tendency to be irresponsible and end up less successful in relationships or just in life in general?




  1. No

    We have every sign of the zodiac expressing themselves differently within us.

    The example I give to make it fun and simple.

    The natal birth chart -

    1) Our on going play (representing the foundation of the house we are going to build)

    2) The houses are the stages

    3) The planets are the actors

    4) The signs are the parts they are asked to play

    5) The aspects are how the actors interact with each other

    6) Transits are the daily conditions (the weather so to speak) the actors are under when they make daily choices - as they build their house.

    As you know - some Planets (actors) can express themselves better in certain signs (parts) than others. Also some planets (actors) can upstage other planets ;))

    **wow - just saw a pretty negative comment to the poster's geniune question.

    Does this forum have a problematic undercurrent?

    - is there something anyone should tell me here?

  2. No, all the signs have potential for challenges, it depends on the placements of other planets in the chart and the aspects in a chart. You can go to  to calculate anyones chart and see the whole picture.

  3. While its true that every sign has it own faults, each sign has their positives as well.

    For example: Leos can be too proud at times, but they're also people who have huge hearts.  

  4. I learned astrology in self-defense, when too many people meeting  me said hi, what's your name, what's your sign, eewww! and walked away.

    I think it depends on the people involved.  If they only know sunsigns and the sunsign blurbs (the daily 1-sentence horoscopes), it's pretty meaningless.  And by the time you really look at the chart, you would have learned as much with them face-to-face.  Also, many people use it to label personality, rather than as a key to spiritual growth.  Those readings will be miles apart.  If there is something about the person that doesn't seem quite right, but you can't identify it, then you might want to go to the trouble.

    But, overall, as most people approach it, it is a parlor game, and one that is sometimes used in a destructive manner.

  5. There is so much more to a horoscope than just the sun sign.  All the planets and all the signs  work together to explain the person. One part of the whole can't describe the entire personality. That's why you have to have the entire chart done by knowing the birth time and place.  

  6. each sign has some negative aspects or traits that go along with it and each have some positive.

    Here are some negatives of each sign. I guess its a matter of opinion which is the worst

    An ARROGANT ARIES will tell you how much he loves you, but in the same breath, that you must be eliminated becuse you are getting in the way of his plans for total world domination. He will also leave his dirty socks around and burn the toast.

    A TOTALITARIAN TAURUS will boast and brag and bully you into submission, but just one little word of sarcasm from you and you will find him balled up in the fetal position crying in the closet. Also, a Taurus can't have s*x without picking a fight first.

    A JABBERING GEMINI will steal your money and then help you look for it. Also he'll make up wild stories about your alleged bisexuality and tell them to his friends. A master of miscommunication, he'll keep you home alone, by the telephone, waiting fo his call.

    A CALLOUS CANCER will give you a gift and then make you pay for it, not with money, but with sexual favours, emotional blackmail and pieces of your soul. An expert hostage taker, a Cancer uses self-pity and sarcasm to torture his victims and rap them in a prison of low-self-esteem.

    A LAZY LEO will do everything to woo you ... date you, charm you, move in with you, impregnate you and spend Christmas dinner with your family, yet, while filling out a job application, still check the box that says his status is "single".

    A VENGEFUL VIRGO will turn up his nose at your taste and then slowly begin to mold you into his vision of the perfect woman. You can never please him, but if you try to leave, he will stalk you for the rest of your life to try and get you back.

    A LASCIVIOUS LIBRA is the first to tell you "I love you but I¹m not in love you." He might as well pee on your leg and then tell you it's raining... soon you get the sense he/she are keeping their options open in case someone better comes along.

    A SCHEMING SCORPIO is voted most likely to try and convince you to have s*x without a condom. Later on in the relationship, he will also try to convince you that having three-way s*x with a hired prostitute is the only way to save your relationship.

    A SILLY SAGITTARIUS will chase you and woo you until he has pierced you with his arrow of love. You'll soon realize you are just another pelt on this hunter's belt after he tells you all about his plans for his next romantic conquest, shortly after having s*x with you.

    A CAPITALISTIC CAPRICORN will coldly pretend he is in love with you, as long as you are useful to him in terms of social or business connections. This social climber doesn't want a girlfriend; he wants a pretty parrot with no mind of her own who faithfully repeats what he says.

    AN ASSININE AQUARIUS will go on for hours and hours about your deep connection as soulmates then forget your birthday. Easily distracted by pretty colours and shiny things, this flighty man is easily led astray by other women.

    A PIOUS PISCES can only be described as "Christ without, Satan within." This long suffering martyr has a Ph.d in co-dependency and knows how to reel women in with shiny promises. However once you take the bait, you are trapped forever in the belly of the beast.

    here's a link with some positive and negative simple traits for all the signs

  7. no!too general,and pretty mean spirited as well.whats the difference between saying,for example"all pisces people are no good and lazy",and saying "all(fill in any ethnic group)are no good and lazy."its prejudice!look at tauruses for example.on the one hand,u have adolph hitler.on the other,u have audrey hepburn(actress and ambassador for unicef and other projects for helping the worlds poor children.)can u imagine 2 people with less in common?yet,they share the same zodiac sign.

  8. Hi Ian

    NOPE !!! I will elaborate a little on Jamie's answer which is correct. We all have the 12 signs in each of our own charts but they are expressed differently due to free will and/or outside circumstances. Astrology provides a guideline but if you choose to take the long route instead of the short route, you still end up in the same place, either in one piece or badly bruise.

    If you learn your lessons well with what stressful aspects bring about, you get rewarded and if you don't learn them well, expect that , at some point, you WILL HAVE to resolve these same issues.

  9. i dont think theres such thing as having a bad sun sign! cuz we all have our positive traits & then our negative traits! maybe some aspects in ur chart cause this! depends on ur birth chart

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