
For people who know alot about computers please help and read...?

by  |  earlier

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somebody please please help me? i have a virus on my computer and idk what happened but there are all these things popping up and changed my background and everything! i have pics and i cant view my view all programs on startup!

and see how it says virus alert? and no time

i already tried changing it no such luck!


im trying to upload the other pic but it is not working

Image upload failed

Upload failed for virus.bmp with error: A network error caused your upload to fail. Please try your upload again.

but thats not my problem

but yeah il explain the picture what would have been

when i go to start

and i wanna view all programs

and its gone

can someone please please help me?

and people tell me to do system restore and stuff and how is that possible if i cant even get to it? remember I CANT VIEW ALL PROGRAMS ON START UP!!!!!! =[

and i have windows xp desktop if that helps

and i dont have a recovery cd or anything





  1. What you have is malware not a virus.  Its called Antivirus 2008 or XP antivirus (goes by a few names). You will need to go to another computer so you can get on the net. Go to and get Spybot Search & Destroy and Malwarebytes and SUPERAntispyware.  Run all these programs and they will remove the problem.  After they are done reboot and update them (you will be able to download after these scan) and rerun them to be sure the infection is totally gone.  Reboot after this and open Spybot and do an immunization.  This will prevent things like this from happening in the future.

  2. safe mode  F8 or F1 F2

  3. Start in Safe Mode then do the system restore

  4. jesus dude! you got some hardcore shiit there, call geek squad, they might be able to help.

  5. Well you access the system restore before the computer starts Windows. They key to press and get to it is different for every computer and that's even if you have the restore feature on your computer which most computers like HP, Dell, etc have it. If you do use the restore feature, it will erase everything on your computer so make sure to save important stuff. You can use internet explorer and run this virus scan and it's free. It's the best but it works much better if you actually pay for it and download it like I did. Other then that, take it to a shop.

  6. DO NOT DO A SYSTEM RESTORE. That will only make matters worse, the infection will then place it self on a restore point, making it harder to remove.

    If no CD came with your computer, then you were supposed to create it yourself. Click start, all program sytem recovery or system restore, there you would be able to create the cds, but since your infected don't do that. You can however use the recovery option there, but that will formate and reinstall windows, meaning you will lose you data, but the infection will be gone.

    But I would go here, right now the site is down, as it's under going upgrade, but should be back up soon. There someone can walk you through to removing the infection



  8. Only thing i can think of is reformating the whole computer so it resets all default settings. Or if u have another computer or a friend with a computer get them to download or download with the other computer  the Ad-Aware set-up file from and transfer it to ur computer install, then scan.

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