
For people who live in toronto only.......(date <span title="idea).........................?">idea).......................</span>

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what are some attrations or shows something to do tonight???? something fun for a date with my boyfriend.... we need to get out of the house before we kill each other HELP




  1. Go to Lula&#039;s Lounge for live music or latin dancing.  You don&#039;t have to be fantastic, just up for a laugh.

  2. Blue Man Group at teh panasonic only 1 week left and it is awesome

  3. You should go have some fun and laugh. I was just at Second City with my girlfriend. It&#039;s only $20 each to get in, plus you can get drinks and food if you want.

    It&#039;s cool because it&#039;s not the same old dinner and a movie.

  4. go to;s the top of one of those buildings in downtown Toronto and it&#039;s a romantic quiet and the view is amazing. Depending on what side of the building u sit, u can see either the ocean and new york or u can see the opposite and a city of;s gorgeous, romantic and it&#039;s time to spend alone.

  5. Ice skating.

    I don&#039;t know if the ice is set at Nathan Philips Square but it&#039;s free and romantic.

    Or try the local arena. Buy some greasy fries at the concession stand and have a blast skating.

  6. why dont you just do the simple date thing like when you were younger.. movie and dinner.. or movie and dessert at like dimitri&#039;s its the simplest thing go to the movie first so you have something to talk about at dessert or dinner :)


  7. Go to a Spring Rolls for dinner and then go see a movie together.  There is a Spring Rolls near the St. Lawrence Market on Front Street East, then go across the street to Rainbow Market Square Cinema.  Good food, good movie, good prices.  I would have suggested visiting our theatre, but the Elgin/Winter Garden Theatre is dark.  Keep the Toronto International Film Festival in mind in September though.  A bit upscale, but makes for a great evening.  We get the big films for Toronto, not as expensive as the galas.

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