
For people who sense where things are?

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I have lost a gold simple slim wedding ring (jewellery) that belongs to a family member and i can't find it, please could you sense where it is for me?




  1. Down the side of the seat cushion. You will also find a pin and coin down there.

  2. Have you looked down the back of the sofa?

  3. You better check in the bedroom, close to your bed, give a good search in there, you might be surprised!

  4. try to remember the last place you were when you last had it, then trace back each place you were, even if it seems lame to check. it will ususally show up in the most rediculouse place.

  5. you can do it yourself...just keep asking where it could be and stay calm and you might just get your answer or youll go straight to the spot where it is, trust me this works.....last week my sister lost her car keys for 2 days blocking my car in the drive way, so the next morning i thought ill join the search and i heard myself saying "i found them " so i knew id find them so i asked my angels where are they ? half an hour later i went straight to the couch in the 2nd lounge and lifted the couch and there they were, and i yelled out i found in your inner voice

  6. On the floor in the car.


  7. check in the bathroom

  8. In the bathroom, kitchen table,in your dressing room, underneath furnitures. Hope this helps.

  9. I am sensing under a bed with a white and lime green coverlet, which is very dusty underneath, so hard to see.

  10. Try down the back or sides of the settee.  I lost my engagement ring for several months, and this is where I eventually found it.  Good luck.  Hope you find it.

  11. Look in your hoover.

  12. The word "hotel" is coming into my head.  It might be in a hotel room...

  13. You need to pray to a saint someone,  I forgot the name, Saint Bernadette or Benedict - I know it begins with B.  I know it sounds silly but honestly it works, I have lost so many things and prayed (well sort of asked) them, and the lost items just turned up.  Hope it works for you.

    Oh maybe its St Jude as Jet-Set says. (sorry didn't see your answer)

  14. The only senses any humans have that can locate a gold ring are sight and touch.  That's all.

    Human brains only interact with the outside world through ordinary physical senses.  There is no mental dimension through which information can travel.  Believing in it will not change that fact, nor help you get your ring back.  Going out and looking for it might, however.

  15. its in the drawer in your bedside cabinet

  16. It's where you left it last.  Unless of course somebody moved it.

  17. Look for it behind the seat cushions of a couch.

  18. check at the grocery store, or department store you were at last. They might have it in thier lost and found.

    And tell your family member, never to take his/her wedding ring off, ever.

  19. Its in the pocket of the jeans you were wearing.

  20. it's under the bed. And the good news is when you look you will also find all the missing socks that you thought were eaten by the washing machine, so you can make up pairs again as long as you didn't throw the odd ones away.

  21. how i find things 'lost' is that i try to forget about it, but look somewhere it should be for something else (if you know what i mean)

    It usually turns up then i can never find the second object !!!

  22. Somewhere around the sofa... or in it?.. Im guessin but its just the 1st place I thought of.

    Hope you find it soon, wherever it is x*x

  23. wut

  24. The dog ate it !

    Oh wait I'm sensing something else - I see a house...The lights are on... But no-one is home

  25. Apparently, if you pray to St. Jude, the patron saint of all things lost, you'll find it.

  26. I hope you find the wedding ring, but nobody has ever demonstrated that they have an ability to "sense" lost items. I find it very unlikely that anybody has such an unworldly ability.

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