
For people who smoke, what's more?

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Do you want to quit? Is smoking like good for you, personally? How did you start it? WHY DO YOU SMOKE?




  1. I used to smoke.  I loved it and I miss it to this day. I miss the smell of nicotine, I miss the taste, I miss the stimulant effect.  I quit because cigarettes just got too d**n expensive for me to consider keeping the habit up.  

    As for how I started, when I was 14, I was on a hockey team with a bunch of older kids (17 and 18 year olds).  I was already the little pipsqueak kid on the team, so I wanted to fit in.  When some of my teammates were smoking out back one day, I asked for one.  The rest, as they say, is history.  Looking back, it's pretty sad that I once started a habit just to fit in, but I guess we all do stupid things when we're kids..

  2. well i dont smoke. but for others i know the most common answer.

    1. they dont quit because they r addicted to nicotine. helps with the stress and they have no will power to stop and it's too much pressure.

    3.they usually start like with group of friends who tried it. peer pressure. oh they wanted to just try it.

    4,look at the above..

  3. i do not want to quit. Smoking is not good but i do like smoking. Smoking increases your metabolism rate. So how did i start, well i wanted to pick it up and my first puff gave me an insight. After a year, i started smoking. And i smoke because it gives a sense of identity.

  4. I don't smoke.

  5. I don't smoke, but my dad does, he said he started smoking when he was 12 or 14. For him it's like a relaxer, it makes him feel better or not so tense I guess. I don't think he wants to quit, he's tried a few times, but he always goes back. It's just something he likes to do and it drives me crazy, cause I think I'm allergic to it, and it's gross!

  6. I'd love to quit but have no will power. Smoking is one of the most harmful things to your body. I started smoking cos I thought it was cool as my friends were doing it. I still smoke cos I'm addicted to the nicotine

  7. Smoking is probably one of the most stupid and loathsome voluntary practices used by mankind. Anyone taking their first puff knows how foul it is but, sadly, persevere because of thinking that smoking is cool, big, grown up, adult or whatever. Sadly many children smoke without realising what a strong and powerful drug nicotine is. Like a lot of children I started to smoke in the 1950/60's when just about all films stars did too. Eventually I realised the harm I was doing to myself, the smelly clothes and bad breath I was imposing on others and the un-necessary cost of killing myself. One day I looked at the cigarette in my hand and thought "This is it. No more." At that moment I chose not to smoke and haven't done since. That was in 1975. I now find smoking to be truly awful and just cannot understand why anyone with any intelligence does it. I never had any withdrawal symptoms because I had 'chosen' not to smoke rather than 'give up. I still choose not to. If you do stop now.

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