
For people who study or work in business what do u love about it?

by  |  earlier

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I mean why do you love it ?




  1. business is business.  PAYCHECK is what I love, the BIGGER THE BETTER.

  2. As employee I was always trying to please the boss. All I got in return was more work. Watching the lazy co-workers on the same pay as me forced me to leave and start my own business.

    Now I please my customers and in return I get excellent feeling of being appreciated. Better money, flexible working time, as much travel as I like and NO one telling me what to do. Just politely asking me. How many of you workers can honestly say - "I am needed and appreciated?"

  3. i love being my own boss, running a business, bossing people around, the money,

  4. One of the best things is the freedom. I can sleep in late, take off a day, go home early, go shopping in the afternoon, take a long lunch, or take 2 weeks off at a time. I don't have to ask permission to do any of these things, and I don't have to put up with moods of coworkers or bosses. Nobody is in control of my jobs future but God, me and the economy.

  5. I have kids, so no daycare expenses eating up my paycheck, I can work in my pjs if I want, I don't have to pay for lots of gas, I get business write offs on my tax returns,  scheduling my own time and I am responsible for growth in my company not the other way around.

    I work for a company called Univera. Check them out online through my website at

  6. Working for yourself

    Going into work when you want, not when your shift starts

    The achievement you get from seeing your company grow

    Not playing by someone elses rules

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