
For people who work(ed) in pizza places/chains. What are the type of pizzas that sell good and which bad?

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As a customer I can guess stuff, like pepperoni pizzas sell a lot. Or what's sold as frozen pizzas or what pizzas people go after in the Pizza Hut buffet, gives an idea what people like.

But people that work(ed) in pizza places have facts.

Do chains keep track of type of pizzas sold, like meat lovers and/or that amount of topping used in a day/week?

Pepperoni, sausage are used plenty. Is there a topping that is hardly used?

Feel free to long answers, I'm no looking for what most people know or can guess.




  1. I worked at Mr Gattis for the past three summers. We kept track of which topping was used most..obviously so we knew to order more for the next week.

    We always had our usual people who would come into the restaurant. We sold about every combination that you could think of made from pepperoni, sausage, beef, anchovies, and all the veggies. Sometimes we would get orders for just vegetarian pizza, or pizza without cheese/sauce. To me, a pizza without cheese or sauce is not much of a pizza, but we sold it since people asked for it.

    Since we were one of the only two pizza places in town, we pretty much had a close relationship with our customers. The town is also small, so it is easy to say "oh yeah, that couple comes in every sunday at 3." We were good with making whatever pizza they asked for.

    I do not work there this summer, but I heard that the Mr Gattis in this town was bought out from the chain and is independent now. I guess that means things are a little different now. However, I have not been back there since I worked last summer so I can't tell you what they have done recently. Things could have been kept the same, or they could be different. All I know is that talking about this makes me want some pizza.


  2. I would say the topping that is used the least is typically chicken. Unless they're offering a BBQ chicken pizza from my experience customers either don't think to order it or simply don't like the taste.

    And from experience I can tell you that restaurants do keep records of what is popular versus what isn't. The most popular combo is either two toppings of whatever you want or the supreme that has everything possible. Contrary to popular belief if a pizza shop carries anchovies they do sell!

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