
For powerlifting does it really matter if you start lifting 2 or 3 years later than someone else?do you ?

by  |  earlier

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still have a chance to bench more them even though you both work really hard? does it differ with different ppl?




  1. Depends, are we talking 5 vs 7 years, or 1 vs 4 years?  You can catch up since people will peak eventually, all else being equal it's just a matter of time.  Hopefully you are using a superior program with nutrition.

  2. The best progress people generally make is when they first start working out.  Your body responds quickly and you make gains very fast.

    After awhile gains start to slow down.  

    If you are starting latter, you still can make great progress and even pass people who have been working out for awhile.

    You need to focus on working out hard but not over doing it, eating enough healthy foods to allow your body to recover, and resting enough to allow your body to grow and get stronger.

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